My little star, you'll never fade away

May 09, 2011 02:43

WHO: Angelica, Billy, and open to Casa de Maximoff residents and visitors
WHERE: Angie & Pietro's Brooklyn homestead
WHEN: Monday around noon and onward
WARNINGS: Mischief
SUMMARY: Dress up? Tea parties? Water balloon fights? Temper tantrums? Who even knows, man.
FORMAT: Whatever you like, tag yourself in! :)

Angelica had refused to leave the bedroom at all on Saturday. Once she'd been convinced that Pietro wasn't going to hurt her and that she would be safe in the house with him, she'd grabbed tight to Leopold the cat and made camp on the big bed all by herself.  She didn't even venture out for food, instead relying on him to bring her some soup and crackers for dinner in bed.  It was a decent existence for the day, but after the initial thrill of constructing a blanket and pillow fort wore off, she found that she was quite bored.

Sunday proceeded much as Saturday had.  First, she took a bath in the big tub in Pietro's bathroom, filling it with tons of bubbles.  She made quite a mess in the process, but she cleaned it up very quickly so that Pietro wouldn't find out and yell at her.  He hadn't yelled at her yet, but she was sure if she misbehaved he would change his mind about keeping her safe.  Grown ups could be fickle sometimes.

The rest of Sunday was spent exploring the closets in Pietro's bedroom.  There were so many clothes, more clothes than she'd even seen in her life.  Some of the outfits were very pretty.  She liked the dresses and the strange yellow and green ballet outfits that she found.  There were tons of pretty scarves, too.  Pietro and his wife must have collected them, Angelica decided.  Her favorite thing though was the wedding dress.  It was the most perfect dress she'd ever seen, and Angelica was secretly determined to get it off the hanger and try it on later.

Monday arrived, and by this point, she was completely over eating soup and crackers in bed.  She wanted something else to eat, and she wanted to explore.  Pietro said that this house was hers, and she was going to make the most of it.  It was her house and no room was off limits, whether it was Calvin's bedroom or Billy's bedroom (formerly Pietro's study) or anyplace else she liked.  Anything would be more interesting than staring at the same four walls for another day.

angelica jones | firestar, gemma doyle | n/a, calvin | stupendous man, † billy kaplan | wiccan, *open

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