
May 08, 2011 10:05

WHO: May Parker and anyone involved in the Spider-baby sitting adventures.
WHERE: In and around her apartment in the MAC
WHEN: This week
WARNINGS: Corruption of the youth?
SUMMARY: Spider-babysitting is go! Jess, May, and Pat try to survive the hordes of the damned young. Start your own subthreads!
FORMAT: Para to start, then whatever.
Like you imagined when you were young. )

peter parker | spider-man, may parker | spider-girl, johnny storm | the human torch, reilly tyne | darkdevil, hank mccoy | beast, bobbi morse | mockingbird, † patrick | scarlet spider, max dillon | electro, matt murdock | daredevil, kaylee frye | n/a, jessica drew | spider-woman

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FOR THE BABBIES IN MAY'S APARTMENT arakhnes May 8 2011, 15:50:24 UTC
So here, she was, sitting on the couch in May's apartment with a bunch of kids.

How did her life come to this. It wasn't bad enough that she was getting weird deja vu adventures already regarding time traveling and having seen this before or something? (God, she wasn't even... whatever.) But now, this? Honestly, she wasn't even sure what to do except for watch the little kids and she definitely didn't like the idea that she was sitting in this apartment out of costume (those sunglasses sure did help though!) trying to finish her homework. (That, she was serious about.)

Oh, look, the movie was over. Well, it was probably too much to hope that Bambi would subside them forever. Maybe she can just stick in Donnie Darko and they'll stay put.

Or give them nightmares. Whichever. At least Patrick and May were around to make up for her incompetence.


boysansfear May 8 2011, 21:47:08 UTC
"This is boring. I'm bored." Matt stared unwaveringly at the TV, arms crossed in a show of his displeasure over the situation. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to be back home. Even if Hell's Kitchen wasn't quite the same as it had been the day before, it was still vaguely familiar and it held some level of comfort for him. This place, May's apartment... it didn't even come close.

He turned to Jessica, pouting slightly at her. Whatever she was doing was leaps and bounds more interesting than the garbage on television. "Julia, you said we could play outside!"


arakhnes May 8 2011, 21:57:19 UTC
Okay, convert the degrees to radians then multiply by ((PI)/180o) and --

Oh, dammit. Her thoughts were interrupted by Matt and she chewed on the eraser of her pencil for a moment before replying, eyes still glued to the notebook in her lap. God, she still couldn't get over how different this kid was from his adult self, so needy. What was with that?

"We will, but not right now. Gotta wait until May gets back, okay?" She said after a moment, scribbling in some numbers and then turning the page.


incywincier May 8 2011, 22:40:05 UTC
Peter had been excited to see a Disney film he hadn't seen before. His current favorite was Robin Hood, and this one had animals too! (Even if deer weren't as cool as foxes.)

Now, however, he was being very quiet. Mostly because he'd been hiding in the bathroom ever since -- well. There was a reason Ben and May had never taped Bambi on their VCR, that was for sure.


boysansfear May 9 2011, 00:56:16 UTC
Matt sighed at Jessica, displeased over being ignored in favor of trigonometry homework. Huffing a bit, he turned back to Bambi. He didn't like Bambi very much. It was sad. It made him think about how his mom was gone and all he had left was his dad. He supposed he and his dad were like Bambi and the prince of the forest in some ways.

But that was kind of a wussy thing to think about, so he forced the thought down and hopped off the sofa to explore May's place.

"Who's in the bathroom?" He knocked loudly. "Open up!"


arakhnes May 9 2011, 01:00:30 UTC
Clearly, picking Bambi was the best idea ever, movie-wise.

However, she didn't even notice the credits were rolling until Matt started walking off and she was forced to glance up, gaze following where he was moving. And... of course, Peter was gone. But it didn't take a genius to figure out where he went, considering Matt was knocking on the closed bathroom door. She sighed and put down her notebook, getting to her feet and following after the kid.

"Is Peter in there? Peter, are you in there?"


incywincier May 9 2011, 01:07:11 UTC
Peter started at Matt's knock, almost banging his head against the bathtub. But then he curled right back up into his ball on the floor, shaking his head. He couldn't put into words how he was feeling, but his eyes were itching and his face felt hot and he didn't want to talk to anybody right now, especially Matt who was mean to everyone. He rubbed his face against his knees. "Don' wanna," he muttered.

Then after Jessica called, much louder, "Go away!"


littlestbigfoot May 9 2011, 01:45:40 UTC
Hank was in the kitchen, inspecting the toaster. He'd been hovering a fork over the opening, looking for the best way to disconnect the holding tray, when he heard the commotion.

He swung around to the hall and hung onto the doorway as he saw Matt pounding on the door. "What's going on?"


boysansfear May 9 2011, 02:48:20 UTC
"He's hogging the bathroom," Matt proclaimed loudly, jiggling the handle again. Clearly Peter didn't understand how shared bathrooms worked, otherwise he'd open up the door. Then, a thought occurred. Maybe Peter was having allergy problems, like he'd talked about before. "Are you sick?"


arakhnes May 9 2011, 03:19:36 UTC
"-- Gkk!"

Jessica jerked her head back (as per norm at this point) when Hank dropped into the area. That child was such a literal monkey. She chewed on her lower lip for a moment, staring at the closed door. This was a serious problem. Especially with his response to her and she was starting to get seriously worried. She must have said something or...

Oh, shit. Bambi.

She hadn't even been thinking when she put that movie in. And with Peter's age... Crap. Crap, crap, crap. "Matt, move over a little." She nudged the red-headed boy to the side, pressing her hand against the door.

"Peter, please come out. Don't you want to play?"


incywincier May 9 2011, 22:52:09 UTC
"No," Peter called out, without moving. He sniffled, and wiped his nose off on the knees of his slacks. He was six now, he wasn't going to cry.


littlestbigfoot May 10 2011, 03:54:30 UTC
Hank climbed down off the wall and scrambled around Jessica's legs, knocking on the door gently.

"Peter, you should come view this toaster with me! It's particularly marvelous! You can assimilate me as I idealify the components!"


boysansfear May 10 2011, 04:05:40 UTC
Matt frowned, tugging on Jessica's sleeve to get her attention. He had the best solution to this problem, he just knew it. He was quite insistent that she pay attention to him, though he kept his voice low so Peter hopefully wouldn't hear. "We could play ninjas without him, then he'll realize all the fun he's missing and come out again!"


arakhnes May 10 2011, 04:43:28 UTC
Jessica backed up once Hank wriggled around her, trying not to knock over the other multitude of kids that surrounded her (Geez, how did this happen?). However, when Matt started tugging on her sleeve, she blinked and turned her gaze towards him, crouching down a little so that she could hear what he was whispering about.


Did that kind of stuff actually work?

"Yeah, sure. I guess that's a good idea." She paused, straightening up and scooted around Hank again, leaning over him a little to keep her mouth close to the door so Peter could hear her clearly. "Well, if you're gonna stay in there, Peter. Matt and I are gonna play ninjas and Hank is gonna play with his toaster. So you have fun with the toilet, okay?"

Wow. She really hoped he wouldn't remember this when things got back to normal.


switching to quicklog BECAUSE I CAN incywincier May 10 2011, 13:25:00 UTC
[ Fidget. ]

That's okay. Ninjas are dumb.

[ Peter doesn't think ninjas are dumb. He thinks ninjas are awesome! But right now he doesn't want to play ninjas, he wants Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Or at least to know that they're coming back. ]


littlestbigfoot May 10 2011, 18:40:21 UTC
[Hank clung to the door and tried knocking again.]

Well, what do you think isn't dumb, Peter? We could put that concept into action instead!


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