"They're just teeth and digestive tract."

Apr 20, 2011 18:45

WHO: Calvin and OPEN
WHERE: Near one of the City's library branches
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon, after school
WARNINGS: Pigeon and rat-related horrors
SUMMARY: Calvin's trip to the library is interrupted by swarms of homicidal vermin. Someone save him.
FORMAT: Quicklog! Calvin will be getting into trouble repeatedly, so multiple threads of multiple saves are great.

[See Calvin. See Calvin run. Run, Calvin, run from the vast, filthy swarm of pigeons cooing madly as they chase him down the street.]


lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, angelica jones | firestar, trowa barton | n/a, calvin | stupendous man, † bart allen | impulse, † pugsley | no good stupid witchcrap, curtis doyle | freedom ring

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