WHO: Laura Kinney and Jessica Wakefield
WHERE: Random stores/Malls
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WARNINGS: Teenagers.
SUMMARY: Clothes shopping.
FORMAT: Paragraph
Laura had arrived early, as she did for most things, and so she sat on a bench just outside the mall, her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket as she watched the people coming and going. She would've preferred a less crowded day, perhaps a weekday morning, but when she had run into Jessica at the Institute and the girl had reminded her that they were supposed to go shopping, Sunday had seemed the obvious choice. The other had classes, after all, it was not as though she could just skip.
She'd gotten enough money from her drug-busting exploits to buy a new wardrobe, and she supposed input from someone else her age couldn't be a bad thing. Even if she had a suspicion they did not share the same tastes in clothes.
Not that it mattered, really. She'd just see what happened. So...she waited. And watched the people.