We are the angry mob / We read the papers everyday day

Mar 04, 2011 13:43

WHO: The Major, Spike, Dilandau, and minions vs. Juudai, Yuusei, Bucky, Vic, Luffy, Santo, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan
WHERE: Abandoned community theatre in the City
WHEN: The night of March the 4th after the riots have begun
WARNINGS: Violence
SUMMARY: The Major is tracked to his lair just before he can make good his escape.
FORMAT: Whatever works

The inside of the theatre was still dusty despite the Major’s inclinations towards cleanliness. He ignored the motes settling on his gleaming white suit as he stood on the creaking boards of the abandoned stage, basking in the glow of the reactivated lights. Outside, the wonderful sounds of chaos and madness could be heard as the City began to fall into anarchy. Flanking the Major and walking the catwalks above where the theatre’s seats had once been, his still-human subordinates fingered automatic weapons. More sentries were on the roof outside, keeping watch and videotaping the riots for the Major’s future enjoyment. By now the Major had noticed a bit of a correlation between how close he was to ultimate success and the likelihood of a bunch of heroes showing up to ruin things, and had taken appropriate precautions this time around. That charade with the assassinations should have pointed them in the wrong direction though, and if anyone still tried to interfere, that was what Spike and Dilandau were here for.

In front of him, several fledgling vampires in makeshift Nazi uniforms were finding out that their new immortality involved less drinking the blood of the innocent and more moving boxes and canisters- at least for now. The Major had promised them the opportunity to feed on a new world of senseless bloodshed and boundless carnage, and judging by what was happening outside, he was already well on his way to making good on that promise.

“Quickly, my friends, quickly!” He cried out. “We have a long trip ahead of us. We might as well begin it at once! The sooner we are off, the sooner we can arrive at our destination and begin our true campaign.” His grin showed all his teeth. “I can’t wait to see all the fascinating new places of this world, all the new wars. I have such a great itinerary planned for our little tour. First we will go to a place where we can manufacture more of this wonderful chemical, and from there to wherever the winds of war blow us. Phoenicia, Majr, Dolvania, Kosovo! It will be magnificent.”

His subordinates were used to these speeches by now, and kept working as he talked, packing up weapons, equipment, the all-important gas. The Major watched the last of Cavil’s unused canisters placed in a secure crate, which was promptly locked. Ordinarily it would have been impossible to secretly move all this out of the country along with himself and his forces. That was the purpose of the riot, aside from the Major’s own amusement: in the midst of the chaos, making their way to the plane he had arranged would be child’s play.

It would be harder spreading the gas abroad without Beatrice and her machine, however. The witch whose power had made the joyful anarchy outside possible was a fine ally. Perhaps I should see about taking her with us, the Major thought, completely ignorant to the effect Bakura’s death and Lyra’s terror had on Beatrice. I am sure she will be happy to continue such fine work elsewhere!

“We will spread this weapon across the entire globe. We will reshape the face of the world, a new world of blood and fire!” He spread his arms, his glasses glowing like unnatural suns under the powerful stage lights. “Now, get everything loaded into the trucks, double-time! It is time that we were off! Off to the new world we shall create! To the world of war without end!”

† qui-gon jinn | n/a, vic sage | the question, n/a | the major, † spike | n/a, † dilandau albatou | alseides, † obi-wan kenobi | the negotiator, *in progress

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