RESCUE MISSION! [incomplete]

Feb 08, 2009 21:08

WHO: Ammy(?), Fakir, Heero Yuy, Meta Knight(?), Yuugi Mutou, whoever else wants in (Add your tags!)
WHERE: Outside the MAC
WHEN: Sunday, ...early evening? IDEK.
SUMMARY: Civillian Rescue Team for the stadium. Meeting and discussing what they're going to do and then a scene change to them actually at the stadium?
FORMAT: Quicklog!

[Yuugi hated the cold, but there he was: standing outside of the Meta-Human Apartment Complex waiting for others to arrive. He knew he could count on one or two people showing up, but he was still worried. Who knew what the Hell was going down at the radio station, where the main battle was taking place?]

† meta knight | matthew night, † yuugi mutou | king of games, † heero yuy | zero, *in progress

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