I am the shadow on the moon at night.

Feb 01, 2011 00:00

WHO: Terry and whoever. That means YOU!
WHERE: Around the docks probably
WHEN: O'dark o'clock, aka between the hours of halfway-reasonable so-late-it's-early some time Feb 1
WARNINGS: Probable... violence...?
SUMMARY: Terry's back in the saddle. So to speak.
FORMAT: I'm starting with para but people come in with whatever you want.

Filling your dreams to the brim with fright )

† terry mcginnis | batman, † james rogers | n/a, † kara zor-el | supergirl

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battothefuture February 1 2011, 08:06:57 UTC
The answer there was not very long at all. You didn't take this job without developing a pretty keen sense as to when you were being watched, but in this case he didn't even need that. She was overconfident, it seemed. It was relatively quiet up here, and ten feet wasn't that far, even without the suit's enhanced sensors he probably would have been able to hear her; the fact that his senses had been enhanced by the porter could give him a leg up.


It was someone with a cape, too high up to be Carrie, to still to be anyone but someone who could fly (because, after all, there weren't any handy perches back there, so there wasn't a way to keep so still except to be there under your own power). Which left... well, one person off the top of his head.

All right then.

Terry crouched a little and then sprang into a backflip, utilizing the suit's extra boost as he reduced his own gravity (he'd fallen out of the habit of using that, out of practice, he needed to get used to what he could do again) to flip very high indeed. And perhaps it wasn't strictly necessary, but he did need the practice. He landed on a roof above Kara, and behind her. That was enough to confirm his suspicions.

"Didn't think you worked many nights, Supergirl."


supertorso February 1 2011, 08:17:24 UTC
If he was aiming to impress her with the flips and shit, it didn't exactly work. In fact, the little display made her roll her eyes at its showiness as she turned around to look up at him.

"Shows how much you know," she replied. "Nice voice. Could be a little more gravelly, though."

A smirk crossed her face as she floated up higher to be level with him. Her eyebrow raised and she gave him a very deliberate once over, taking her time to look over the costume and how he wore it. "Interesting suit. I like the red, but I gotta say, it's just not the same without the cape. You can't loom in the shadows as well without one."


........ keywords battothefuture February 1 2011, 08:27:46 UTC
"Capes are bulky and get in the way. Streamlining is a little more important than adding another layer of weight. Besides-" he jumped up and forwards, and his wings flicked out, leaving him to lightly flick back over towards her "-what I have instead? They're a lot more useful."


LMFAO supertorso February 1 2011, 08:32:17 UTC
She just raised an eyebrow at him. "Oooh, he has glider wings. I'm so frightened." It was hard to resist the urge to laugh (didn't want to damage his pride too much) but she managed it as she went to sit on the edge of the roof.


The other half is -wait wrong series. Also keywords again. battothefuture February 3 2011, 09:36:14 UTC
"You'd be surprised how frightening it can be, if it's dropping down on you out of nowhere," Terry said coolly. "Besides, the building design isn't exactly the same in about 30 years, or it isn't in my world. You add in the flying cars and you'd have too many people getting away unless you had some advantages."


aflkdsfalks lmao supertorso February 3 2011, 18:05:15 UTC
"Hey, I've seen heroes pull off the capes in the future with flying cars and all that," she said and then paused. "Of course, they had flight rings, but."

Kara shrugged and looked back over her shoulder at Terry with a small smile. "You do realize I'm just teasing you, right?"


battothefuture February 3 2011, 19:22:27 UTC
"Uh-huh," Terry said dryly. "And therein is the difference. Anyway, I think the tendency of capes to get caught of things has made them fall generally out of fashion - Superman doesn't have one any more either." He falls silent. "Didn't, anyway."

Terry sighs, very lightly, and looks out over the water.

"It's quiet, tonight."


supertorso February 3 2011, 19:37:15 UTC
"Kal changed his costume? That's... odd to think about." But not all that surprising, considering how many costume changes people seemed to go through.

Kara hummed quietly in agreement as she watched the waves. "Of course, everything here is quiet. Even compared to Metropolis. It's strange, considering how many super-powered people there must be here."


battothefuture February 4 2011, 03:31:18 UTC
"Well, it's not blue and red like it is in the old photos," Terry said. "Black and white, now. Matches his hair, I guess. The 'S' changed too." Or it was. Superman had vanished, had ever since Starro had been defeated. Terry hadn't thought all that much of it until recently, but since he'd seen the state of Metropolis he'd started to wonder a bit more. What had happened to Kal-El from the planet Krypton? He didn't look like he was home.


supertorso February 4 2011, 03:36:10 UTC
She didn't reply, just frowned, her eyebrows crinkling as she thought that over. A change in costume she could understand, but changing the 'S'? That was the symbol of the House of El, that wasn't something that he could (would?) just change because it looked better one way than it did another. What had happened to him in Terry's world? Where was she in the midst of all of this?


battothefuture February 4 2011, 03:40:12 UTC
He picked up on that, and he was slipping out of patrol mode, out of Batman mode, back into Terry mode, so he reacted differently. Hopefully losing his focus wouldn't come back to bite him later, but for now....

"That bother you?"


supertorso February 4 2011, 03:44:13 UTC
"Yeah. It does." Her hand drifted up to touch the 'S' on her own chest as she looked down at her uniform top. "To you this may just stand for 'Super,' but I was wearing this before Kal was even born. It's the symbol of the House of El, our family and our ancestors. It's one of the last piece of Krypton and New Krypton that's left. To think that he just changed it... It's unsettling. Like I'm losing a little more of the place that was once my home."


battothefuture February 4 2011, 03:54:42 UTC
There's a pause as he takes that in, and he looks over with something approaching understanding. His world had never died, just his father, but there were still days when it felt like he was slipping away. And if someone came and changed out the photographs....

"If it helps, the last - only, really - time that I saw him, he'd just barely been freed from that alien starfish I mentioned a few weeks ago. I don't think he was really himself for years."


supertorso February 4 2011, 04:07:18 UTC
That made her glance over at him and give him her best dirty look. "Is that supposed to be reassuring? Because it could use some work if it is."

And then she looked back out over the water, frowning again. "Rao, he must feel so guilty. Mind-control is one of those things... It always feels like you were the one doing it, even if you weren't. How long was he...?"


battothefuture February 4 2011, 05:09:01 UTC
Terry grins. "The reassuring part is that he got zapped out of it, and he's fine now. And that it might not have been him, messing with your family emblem." And things turned a bit more serious.

"I don't know. Years."


supertorso February 4 2011, 05:13:18 UTC
"... It's really kind of creepy when you smile like that. Just so you know."

She fell silent again, only one thing flying through her head. She wasn't sure if she should ask it, if she could ask it. But... she had to know. "So where was I in all of this? Do I even exist in your universe?"


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