Shine a light through me so you can see

Jan 20, 2011 20:01

WHO: Bruno and Crow
WHERE: Crow's MAC apartment
WHEN: Last saturday evening, after this (whenever Geddoe gets done walking Bruno to the building like a total pussy.)
WARNINGS: A grown man being afraid of shadows.
SUMMARY: Bruno finally makes it to Crow's place to ask him if he knows who these people following him around are, because Bruno sure ( Read more... )

† bruno | dark glass, † crow hogan | black bird

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teppoudama_crow January 22 2011, 03:04:23 UTC
After seeing Bruno's post and just getting no response within an acceptable time frame (which admittedly didn't last much longer than a couple of minutes), Crow had decidedly grown sick of waiting and stormed off into the City to find his friend. Or well, he would have if he hadn't left his com lying in his room and remembered that halfway down the second alley. Sufficiently annoyed with himself he had backtracked to the MAC, cursing himself all the way long... only to find Bruno standing right before his door.

"There you are. Man, I was getting worried about you."


1/2 donttasemebro January 22 2011, 05:11:31 UTC
And his comm would have definitely been the first thing Bruno had tried, if not for two wrinkles: one, that in his hurry to leave with Geddoe he had completely forgot to grab it on his way out of the alley, and two, that he wasn't even aware that his hasty and prematurely-interrupted message had even been posted.

In any case, after an interminably long thirty seconds or so of waiting for Crow to answer his door, the sound of his voice from behind him made Bruno wheel around and then smile in almost palpable relief. "Crow!"


donttasemebro January 22 2011, 05:12:37 UTC
Then he blinked in surprise as what Crow had actually just said sunk in. "... You were looking for me?"


teppoudama_crow January 22 2011, 21:59:55 UTC
Crow shot him a deadpanned look; Bruno hadn't just really asked that, right?

"No, I was looking for the other guy, who called for me over the Network while being totally freaked out."

He shook his head and walked up towards Bruno, gently shoving past him in order to open the door to his apartment. "Let's get inside, so you can tell me what the hell that was all about."


god i love that face donttasemebro January 23 2011, 13:19:24 UTC
"You-- that message actually got to you?" he asked, surprised and a little bit... retroactively comforted? So even if Geddoe hadn't happened to be passing by, he'd have still...

Bruno obligingly let Crow shove past him and watched him with a tiny, tired, but fond smile as he unlocked the door. He... he liked being reminded that he had friends who worried about him, even if he felt bad for making him worry.

The wispy smile evaporated at the thought of recounting his evening, though. "Yeah..." he said vaguely, following Crow inside, his eyes right away wandering nervously to the darker corners of the apartment despite himself.


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