Interviewing Superheroes

Feb 03, 2009 17:08

WHO: Harry and interviewees who want to log (tag in if I didn't get you, then start a new thread!)
WHERE: Central Park/the Mansion
WHEN: Feb 03
FORMAT: quicklog/para, whichever works for you

so what's it like? )

† door portico | portal, † steve rogers | captain america, † ling yao | emperor, † michael jon carter | booster gold, † harry osborn | n/a, *abandoned

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goanywhere February 4 2009, 00:41:28 UTC
Door'd come to the park with a bit of trepidation - who was she kidding? she didn't know how to do an interview - but the boy she'd been talking to on the boards had seemed friendly enough, so she held her head high and went to the place he'd specified with a smile on her face.

"Hello," she said when she got there, cocking her head and grinning, her pronounced British accent very noticeable. "I'm Door. You're . . . Harry, yes?"


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 01:06:34 UTC
"Oh, hi! Yeah, I'm Harry." He offered Door his hand with a smile and slightly puppyish enthusiasm. It was only a hint; Osborns don't wag their tails, Harold, he mockingly reminded himself.

"I guess first off I should ask if there are any topics you want me to steer clear of. I don't plan on getting too personal, for safety's sake, but I did plan on asking things about your life in the City."


goanywhere February 4 2009, 01:18:28 UTC
She shook his hand - still something she wasn't entirely familiar with; they'd never really done it Below - and stood back, a bit awkwardly, tucking her hands into her pockets against the cold.

"It's good to meet you," she said warmly, and then paused. "I, ah, I don't think there's anything? As long as it's restricted to what I've been doing in the City, I can't see that there would be any problems." If she was asked about what her life was like outside the City . . . she'd probably have to refuse the question. Some things she didn't want shared with everyone.


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 01:29:06 UTC
"Gotcha," he said, fiddling with the strap again. "Don't feel pressured to answer, if I do happen across something sensitive."

Door wasn't old but to him, she had a gracious quality that reminded him of older people. "And, hmm, finally, I'm new at this, so bear with me. We can also move some place warmer, in time." Apologetic curl of a grin. "Are you ready?"


goanywhere February 4 2009, 01:34:02 UTC
"Of course," she responded, nodding. As far as she was aware, he was only here to help. Until and unless he did anything to indicate otherwise, she'd trust that his intentions were good.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," she said, grinning. "But whenever you want to move is fine with me." With a small nod, she added, "I'm ready whenever you are."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 01:40:38 UTC
"Great." He raised the camera, a preoccupied smile settling on his face, and pressed the button. As the scene faded in, he announced, "Hi, I'm Harry Osborn, and we're interviewing superheroes. Today, we're talking to Door. Door, would you tell us a little bit about yourself? Your powers, and what you do with them here in the city?"


goanywhere February 4 2009, 02:02:51 UTC
"Oh - " She gave a nervous smile, pushing her hair behind her ears. "Er. Hello. I'm Door. I'm from London originally, but I suppose that's not really - relevant - " With a quick shake of her head, she grinned. "Right. My powers. What I do is open portals. From anywhere to anywhere, really. As long as I know where I'm going and can hold the door open myself, I can go anywhere." She paused for a moment and then added, a little more hesitantly. "I'm not actually working right now. I was going to get a job at a flower shop, but then I spoke to a friend of mine and - he pointed out that I could be a lot more help doing other things." She smiled brightly, trying to sound optimistic. "So I'm trying to get a more efficient emergency response team set up for the City. We're just starting, really, but hopefully it'll be set up very soon."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 02:20:09 UTC
"How will it be more efficient?" Harry asked, zooming in a little as she spoke. He could guess, and if he was right, that sounded amazing.


goanywhere February 4 2009, 02:28:57 UTC
"Well, for one, it'll hopefully be more centralized," Door responded, becoming a bit more animated as she spoke and leaning forward. "Right now things are sort of scattered, since the police have been gone for months, and that applies to emergency services as well. Some of the supers and other people have been trying to hold it together, but it could be much better."

With a deep breath, she went on, trying not to sound as nervous about the next part as she felt. "It should also become - a lot faster, if metahumans are involved. I can get anywhere almost instantaneously, so if there's a problem, I can be there in seconds. I can also bring people with me, so if anyone's hurt, a healer can be there just as quickly. Ah - " She glanced at Harry. "What I mean by a healer is someone who's able to heal just by touch, or by other means. There are several of them who've been brought here. Although in a less drastic situation a regular doctor would be fine, too."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 02:37:50 UTC
Deciding that 'holy crap' is inappropriate for this interview, Harry stuttered, "That sounds -- yeah, incredibly efficient. And I'll be talking to one of the healers, Anezaki Mamori, later. Ah, you said 'brought here': would you describe how you came to the City?"

He'd be asking all of them that, just to drive home the point about Iron Man, and to get their individual reactions about being stranded here.


goanywhere February 4 2009, 02:43:04 UTC
"Oh - " She gave another bright grin. "I hope it will be! I'll be talking to Mamori later, too, actually." This last part was said in an undertone, almost to herself; she was just making a mental note. This interview was getting her more and more excited about the job she had decided to take on.

At his next question, her face fell a little, her grin slipping. "Well, I'm - from London originally," she said, deciding not to go into the difference between London proper and London Below - it was too much to explain in one short interview, and probably unnecessary in any case for the purposes of what Harry was doing. Her voice got gradually softer as she continued. "I was looking for my sister, who was lost. Still is lost, I suppose. And all of a sudden, my friends were gone and I was in this city, in Iron Man's lab." She gave a little shrug, her smile now a bit sad. "He said I was here to protect people, and he wouldn't answer any questions. So I've just tried to settle in as best I can."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 02:48:07 UTC
"What made you decide to do that, protect and help people?" He asked next, indicating with a tilt of his head that they could start moving toward the quieter street, and the row of cafes across it.


goanywhere February 4 2009, 02:57:36 UTC
She began to walk beside him, considering his question for a moment before answering. "Well," she began, her voice slow and careful, thinking even as she spoke, "at first all I wanted was to get home, because all of the people I cared about were there. But . . . " Laughing a little, she shook her head. "There are so many people here that I care about now. And besides," she added, looking at Harry seriously, "people do need help here. I don't think anybody doubts that. If I can help, then I want to."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 07:11:15 UTC
He smiled at her. This was exactly what he'd been hoping for. "So who have you made friends with?"

Here was one of those parts he was iffy about, for safety, but a few descriptions probably wouldn't compromise anyone. He hoped.


goanywhere February 4 2009, 16:25:17 UTC
Glancing at him curiously, she smiled a little in response. "Um, quite a few people, actually." She seemed a little surprised to be saying it, but recovered quickly. "I'm just going to go by codenames, if that's all right? I don't want to put anyone in danger, but . . . ah, Blue Beetle." A little smirk slipped out. "He made me eat barbeque potato chips dipped in ketchup," she said conspiratorially, and then went on. "Bucky is a friend, I think. Maelstrom. Wonder Woman. Um, Silk Spectre and I are very close." She smiled warmly to herself, remembering her conversations with Laurie. "Shadowcat, Cloud 9. Wolverine. The Law. There are - a lot of people, I don't think I can list all of them. Most of the people who've come here have been really friendly." Biting her lip and grinning to herself, she added, "And - Truth."


osborncomplex February 4 2009, 16:38:09 UTC
"You're working with Bucky on the emergency response thing, right?" He'd laughed a little at the potato chip part, and wondered whether to press about Truth. No, he decided, Door's expression spoke for herself.

Glancing both ways, he began to cross the street backward, keeping the camera on her. "Has Hodge's propaganda made a difference in your life or the lives of your friends?"


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