won't you open to me

Dec 27, 2010 22:43

WHO: Open! Make a note in your initial comment of whether your thread is open to all or locked to a specific person.
WHERE: Everywhere currently covered in snow, which is everywhere.
WHEN: From the time it started snowing on the 26th on through the 27th (today).
WARNINGS: Probably nothing serious. Will be updated as necessary.
SUMMARY: The City is snowed in. Chaos, or whatever you feel like, ensues. Use this log for any blizzard/snow-related hijinks you feel like doing but don't want to create a whole new log for. Snowball fights, protecting people in the storm, building snowmen afterwards, whatever!
FORMAT: Whatever participants feel like.

It started early in the afternoon, first as thick but gentle flurries. That was pleasant enough, and perhaps it inspired some people to go for a walk in the swift white accumulation. That would probably have been deemed "not such a good idea" when vicious winds began to whip up the soft snowfall, driving it under bridges, against windows, and into faces. And so it stayed through most of the night.

By morning, it had finally cleared up, leaving a foot of snow on the ground, and the City itself about as confused and quiet as it ever got. But there were opportunities to be had...

(Incidentally, it was around midnight that Keith Anyan returned from a brooding session in the park to his room in the MAC, his hair and clothes dripping with melting snow, as he had stayed out a little too long in the innocent snowfall and gotten a bit lost when it turned into a blinding blizzard. He wasn't going to show anything more than very faint irritation at that, though.)

† beatrice | the golden witch, sanji | mr. prince, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † morrigan | witch of the wilds, keith anyan | n/a, † roronoa zoro | pirate hunter zoro, geddoe | raijin, † usopp | sogeking, † marceline | n/a, † haruka toyama | n/a, † victor fries | mr. freeze, *open, † atsuko jackson | whiplash

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