rrrrrrather backdated!

Dec 12, 2010 18:48

WHO: oopsalienprince and YOU~*~
WHERE: ... a stairwell in the M.A.C building
WHEN: UHM around the evening of 06/12/2010
WARNINGS: TEENAGE ANGST no okay none really
SUMMARY: Teddy has decided he'd like to do some thinking, and where better to do this except a stairwell? He would claim this is logically because most people probably use the elevators (though in this case hopefully they don't :|)
FORMAT: I'm starting in prose, but feel free to answer with whatever you feel like.

Teddy was not generally the sort to mope and brood upon things that he knew he couldn't control, but this time around he couldn't really stop the compulsion to just sit down somewhere quiet and try to make sense of things. Under any other circumstances, he would probably have liked to have talked to someone about this, to anyone, but it didn't really feel like one of Those Things that you could give friendly, sensible advice about. For one thing, how often did you find yourself zapped into an alternate dimension where pretty much everyone knows you and you know a grand total of two of them? It was beyond bizarre. Somewhere in between the "woah it's almost like being in a videogame!" and the "why aren't Billy and the others also here (I'd prefer if we were all here!)" thinking, Teddy was still rather bothered by the fact that he obviously meant a lot to people who he could only really describe now as "this person's boyfriend" or "that girl who talked to me earlier". It wasn't exactly enjoyable for him, and he couldn't imagine how it felt for the people who were absolutely certain that they knew him.

To be fair, though, it didn't discourage Teddy from wanting to get to know them. Again. In fact, it made him even more determined to do it, because they must have meant something to him too, before. It seemed like they must have been pretty close - Abby sounded like she was going to cry. But, you know, after that, she - she was really nice. And friendly. It made Teddy feel a lot better about being here, on top of the fact that he also had Kate and Tommy (... eh Tommy was a questionable relief at times). He didn't feel alone here. That was always going to be a plus.

Anyone who would find themselves wandering up the stairs would probably be somewhat amused by the fact that Teddy was quite lost in his thoughts and continually pulling faces ranging from faint annoyance to frowns to momentary "oh duh" comprehension, due to his thoughts jumping back and forth between each other constantly. Teenage thoughts had a definite tendency to only linger for moments at a time when said teenager wasn't particularly concentrating.

Or they'd wonder what kind of daft kid just casually hangs out in stairwells. It wasn't exactly a prime spot for philosophising, after all.

† jordan | n/a, † teddy altman | hulkling, *open

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