going to Africa to bless the rains

Dec 12, 2010 04:18

WHO: African Safari 2010 (tag in!)
WHERE: a private plane
WHEN: Dec. 12, after this post
WARNINGS: violent people in an enclosed space
SUMMARY: They're off to Africa to rampage around killing warlords and freeing child soldiers and whatnot. But first they all have to get there. Without killing each other.
FORMAT: anything you like. I think everyone should just tag and threadjack as they feel works, like an open RP. Feel free to keep signing up, by the way, and just hop on in.

The low, constant hum of the engines was still registering in Jason's consciousness, but he didn't find it annoying. Seated with maps, a GPS monitor, and his network comm, it seemed to lull him into a studious trance. Every now and then, however, his attention was drawn to the past, to the last time he had flown to Africa. They were headed to a different region altogether, however, and it was easy enough to push from his mind.

The movie showing on the monitors in the back of every seat was the western Blake had brought. The rest of the makeshift 'team' were scattered in the small cabin, some conversing, some not. Jason had never worked on any team at all apart from the Titans, and them just twice. And this time? He might be the leader. He was more than willing to shove that responsibility on Blake, however. Maybe Jason had an attitude and a problem with authority, but he wasn't into measuring dicks, and he could follow orders.

Glancing up from the maps (which he'd already memorized), he took the opportunity to observe the others. Jason supposed he himself might be something of a disappointment: he was just some guy in a t-shirt and hoodie, jeans and boots. Some of the group looked just as normal, and some were a little more noteworthy.

He had to wonder if they could really pull this off.

† terry mcginnis | batman, † wanda | the scarlet witch, † heine rammsteiner | the dog, † miho | n/a, † wufei chang | shenlong, † manchester black | n/a, thomas blake | catman, jason todd | red hood

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