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» people helping EVACUATE hardballs February 2 2009, 02:44:37 UTC
Re: » people helping EVACUATE hellcommander February 2 2009, 02:46:58 UTC
[Hiruma was a little less than happy about this. He growls and turns the TiVO on for the rest of the game. He quickly changes into his hero pants]

Come on, fucking manager, we're flying.

[He shifts into his bat form and waits for the girl]


» people helping EVACUATE creampuffedly February 2 2009, 02:48:26 UTC

[she's panicked and terrified and nervous, but now is not the time to be any of those, and instead she simply climbs on his back. what a truly strange situation. then they're off, and she braces herself]


Re: » people helping EVACUATE hellcommander February 2 2009, 02:51:27 UTC
[Hiruma's flying is, on the surface, rather reckless and dangerous. And it is. He's flying as fast as possible, avoiding buildings and lights with quick turns and sideways turns. He's expecting her to hold on very tightly.

It's not long before they reach the town square, only a few minutes. Hiruma lands and let's Mamori off, quickly shifting back]

You stay the fuck AWAY from the rampaging emo, you got it? You can't heal yourself! I'll bring people who need assistance.


» people helping EVACUATE creampuffedly February 2 2009, 02:54:20 UTC
[Mamori, naturally, is terrified. flying is one thing, but this is another entirely, and Hiruma can't seem to make this ride any smoother at all. at least they'll get there fast, she tells herself, that yes, she won't die, they'll get there, and they'll help people.

they do, and at that point there's no doubt in her mind that Hiruma will have bruises from her holding on so tightly]

I won't! He won't be able to hurt me! All my fears have to do with other people! I'll heal whoever needs healing, but this is important! I can help him, Hiruma-kun!


Re: » people helping EVACUATE hellcommander February 2 2009, 03:01:51 UTC
[He growls and looks... well... genuinely worried before he covers it up with an angry glare. He shakes his head and pulls his goggles down over his eyes]

But other people's fears CAN.... But I can't fucking stop you, can I. Fine. Be careful, you fucking idiot. If you die, you're no use to anyone, you know!

[he turns on his comm device and sends out a general message] OI! FUCKING EVACUATERS! I'm airlifting injured people to the corner of [street and street]. SEND HEALERS THERE!

[he shifts back to bat form and flies up, giving her one more look, then flies off to airlift any hurt civilians]


shesnotgoogle February 2 2009, 02:47:31 UTC
Charlie hated how stupid people could get in large crowds. She knew, just knew that these people had to have started this fight. Terry was too careful to just let this sort of happen but there were a million and one people it seemed like in the Town Square and she was trying to get them all out, go, please, come on now stop shouting at me lady and move.

Every so often she'd call Abby to get a status report and for better or worse most people were moving away from Terry and everyone engaging him...it was the stupid protesters hanging on that were driving Charlie the nuttiest.

It would be just their luck if one of them ended up having a camera.


tothecloud February 2 2009, 02:50:11 UTC
From her vantage point, above the crowd on her personal cloud, Abby has her communicator in one hand and the other extended, manipulating separate vapors below as she attempts to herd people away from the tentacled monster otherwise known as Terrance Ward.

She is visibly trying not to panic, trying to focus. In her mind, she's thinking the same thing as Roger: I can do this. I'm a hero, too.

"There's a group on the west end I can't quite control by myself," she says into her communicator.


shesnotgoogle February 2 2009, 02:56:32 UTC
Charlie swings the comm closer to her mouth. "Ok, I'm moving." One glance upwards to grin at Abby and figure out North and Charlie is weaving through the crowd, trying to stay a good distance away from Terry and the people engaging him.

God, these people are stubborn. Charlie has to forcibly pick up this kid who can't be older than twelve because he's gawking and when some guy decides to yell at her about it, she's too busy pointing and shouting "Would you just move already?!" to even care about how she might sound.

Apparently screaming women who can keep moving is a somewhat sobering and scary though. The group beings to disperse until some idiot begins shouting about mutants again and Charlie begins to wish she had a superpower to make people shut up.


mind me threadjacking? bibliowolf February 2 2009, 03:14:33 UTC
Remus was well aware that Apparating wasn't the best idea, but it was the only way he could get to the middle of the crowd, uncertain if using magic would either be effective or only cause others to panic more. It was a risk he might have to take and the screams about mutants were only helping his to break his resolve.

"Silencio!" one quick spell and the person shouting couldn't be heard anymore, their voice silenced, but that only caused them to freeze in place, but the screaming had stopped, and that seemed to have the desired effect of getting the crowd to start moving again.

He saw Charlie, shouting for people to move, and immediately moved to her, watching the crowd intently for anyone else that would start.


WELCOME! :> tothecloud February 2 2009, 03:23:20 UTC
Abby is giving air support, gently urging people along with her clouds. She seems able to herd at least half a dozen people at a time, but with the vapors swirling around them, some of the people continue to panic.

She's still shaking. She's not sure how much longer she can keep this up, and she's barely focused-- she keeps looking over at where Terry fights the other supers.

Don't hurt him. She can't stop thinking it. Don't hurt him.


shesnotgoogle February 2 2009, 03:44:45 UTC
[charlie's voice comes through the comm, telling Abby to go ahead and land.]


hellcommander February 2 2009, 03:27:00 UTC
Hiruma flew overhead, circling, diving and picking hurt or unconscious people out of the crowd and moving them to safety. People were screaming and pointing and hurting his ears, but he didn't have time to yell at them.

He saw a rather familiar face down amongst the crowd; Charlie. Didn't she have healing powers?

Hiruma landed and shifted back to human form beside her, "Che, what are you trying to do here, get trampled?"


shesnotgoogle February 2 2009, 03:42:54 UTC
"This is the part where I kindly ask you to not be a jerk for five minutes, okay?" Charlie was obviously a little distracted and familiar voice had her turning to see Remus, whom she waved over with a grin. "Get the cameras?!" It's more a plea than a demand and someone suddenly jostles into Charlie, who nearly falls over before sighing and talking into her comm.

"Hey Abby, come on down." She's pretty sure her friend is a bit worn out by this point and Charlie wants to keep an eye on her.

"Help me move people Hiruma. Bat-boy on them for all I care but get rid of cameras and get them moving. Please."


tothecloud February 2 2009, 03:47:27 UTC
Abby hears Charlie's voice from her communicator and after a hesitation, touches down to the ground. She runs over to where Hiruma and Charlie are. She seems distracted-- she's worried, for her teammates and her friends-- but she understands what they're doing.

"The cameras? I can help!" She a bit tired from using her powers, but everyone else is too. She'll hang on.

Her vapors navigate the crowd. Some tendrils of gas crush fragile glass lenses with pressure-- others tickle spectator's faces and hands, so that cameras are dropped.


bibliowolf February 2 2009, 03:52:22 UTC
He nods, looking quickly around for anyone suspicious. A girl of about fifteen was holding up what appeared to be a phone, pointing to toward the fight nearby. He didn't need to say a spell this time, a simple charm, and the phone overloaded, shutting down completely. If it started working again, it's memory would completely wiped, but he wasn't aware of that, knowing only that he'd prevented it from filming more.


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