a girl like her, she just can't see

Dec 11, 2010 22:26

WHO: Nill [brevipennate] & YOU.
WHERE: A park somewhere.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon.
WARNINGS: Epic amounts of cute.
SUMMARY: Nill has discovered snow angels. The ground does not stand a chance.
FORMAT: Quick to start, whatever after that.

what the fuss is all about )

† aughra | n/a, † jay guthrie | icarus, zatanna zatara | zatanna, nill | n/a, † heine rammsteiner | the dog, † teddy altman | hulkling, reilly tyne | darkdevil

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fishnets December 12 2010, 05:01:00 UTC
[As luck would have it, Zatanna was out for a stroll. Not particularly close to her house, but she had been coming home from stopping by the Institute and decided it might not be too bad to walk part way and get more used to her new surroundings. As it stood, the magician wasn't exactly the most well-versed in the area, with or without a map. It wasn't so cold that she couldn't handle it and would freeze to death, so she saw no reason to avoid it.

Taking a detour through the park and enjoying the scenery, she comes upon what might just be the cutest thing she's ever had the good fortune of witnessing. So not to scare the girl, Zatanna raises a hand first, giving a little wave.] Hello, Nill. [Then, cautiously, begins to approach with a wide smile spread across her face.]


brevipennate December 12 2010, 18:47:47 UTC
[Nill hears the voice and sits up, snow-angel half finished. She sees Zatanna, and smiles a bit, waving back. She liked Zee, and was happy to see her. The blonde girl stood slowly, making sure not to ruin her angel, and gestured towards it proudly.]


fishnets December 12 2010, 22:42:35 UTC
That's very pretty. Is this your first time making a snow angel? [Less cautious now that she's recognized, she comes up beside the girl, fumbling for her comm, using it to take a photo.] There. I'll send this to you so you can remember it, all right?


brevipennate December 13 2010, 00:00:08 UTC
[Nill nods at the question, and then blinks at the sudden flash from the camera. That is the first time she's had her picture taken, so you know. But she doesn't ask; maybe it was just a fluke. She smiles at the offer, and then gestures to the ground. Does Zee want to make an angel? I bet she does.]


fishnets December 13 2010, 00:35:00 UTC
[She doesn't even consider that's the case, instead, moving just close enough that there's room for her to spread out her arms and legs before plopping down to the ground beside her, laughing softly.] It's been a while since I've done this. [Zee pulls up her hood first, then lays down against the snow.]


brevipennate December 13 2010, 01:53:21 UTC
[Nill smiles widely, and falls back into the snow next to Zee. She starts moving her arms and legs, smiling up at the bright blue sky. She still loved looking at it, even now that she'd been able to for months. The sky in her world had never been this blue, she was sure.]


fishnets December 13 2010, 01:57:20 UTC
[It was amazing how easily she could express herself without even using words. Sure, she couldn't read her thoughts, but she figured that she understood the gist of it. Zatanna follows suit, hers a good foot or so taller than the blonde's angel. She moves her arms up and down, pressing hard to make sure it sticks.

Eventually, she turns her head to the side.] Have you been out here long?


brevipennate December 13 2010, 02:05:48 UTC
[Nill just enjoys lying there, and almost misses Zee's question. But she turns her head towards the older woman, and gives a little, impromptu shrug; only an hour or so, that wasn't so long, was it?]


fishnets December 13 2010, 02:11:21 UTC
[At least she appears to be wearing thick tights. If she was particularly cold, she'd have done something about it, right?] Are you hungry? We could go get a bite to eat -- my treat.


brevipennate December 13 2010, 02:17:45 UTC
[Nill blinks a few times at the offer, and then smiles; that sounds nice, it really does. And she doesn't think Luke or Danny will mind--she can always just text them on her new cell phone to tell them where she's going. So she nods!]


fishnets December 13 2010, 02:37:18 UTC
Okay, then! Your pick! [She sits upright and presses her palm against the ground, using it to hoist herself up and quickly rub the snow off her gloves. She bends over slightly and holds out a hand, wordlessly offering to help her up.] Wherever you'd like.


brevipennate December 13 2010, 03:09:18 UTC
[Nill takes her hand and stands, brushing some snow from her fluffy red skirt with her free hand. She thinks for a moment, and then points in the direction of a little cafe she knows, a few blocks over.]


fishnets December 13 2010, 03:49:36 UTC
[Zatanna gives her a little pull to help make it easier to stand and looks to the direction she'd been given.] Got everything? You don't want to forget something on accident!

[She waits for her to check before taking her out of the park.] Are you excited for Christmas?


brevipennate December 13 2010, 03:51:40 UTC
[A quick look around and Nill gives a nod, confirming that she has everything she needs. It wasn't as if she had actually brought anything to the park, but it was always a good idea to check.

She nods and smiles at the second question, and tilts her head at Zee as they walk.]


fishnets December 13 2010, 04:25:38 UTC
[She didn't seem the type to carry a purse. Then again, she probably didn't have fifteen different keys, make-up, and a bunch of other things.]

Christmas! Have you noticed the music and all the decorations up and around? Christmas is on the 25th of this month and it's a holiday where you give gifts to people that are important to you -- it can be a homemade card or a drawing or whatever, it doesn't have to be bought at a store. It's a day to let the people you care about know that you care about them. [A beat.] Have you seen anything in the shops you might want? A doll or stuffed animal? [She seemed like the type.]


brevipennate December 13 2010, 04:29:11 UTC
[Luke tried explaining make-up to her, and she disapproved of the idea. Anyway! She nods at the observations. Luke and Danny already had to explain all of this to her.

At the mention of what she wanted, she shrugged. There was nothing more she could ask for, really; she had new friends, another family, Heine was there, and she could go to bed at night safe and warm, not afraid of being stolen away and taken back to the whorehouse. That was as good a gift as anybody could ever give her.]


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