not exactly santa claus

Dec 04, 2010 00:00

WHO: Cally Tyrol and Caprica Aquila
WHERE: Porter facility/possible Caprica's MAC apartment
WHEN: 5-6pmish+
WARNINGS: None, really, unless Cally decides to stab Caprica with something sharp.
SUMMARY: Cally & the Cylon who helped blow the Colonies the frak up? Caprica lends a helping hand? The cabbie is playing Christmas music. Mickey Mouse & Friends.
FORMAT: Paragraph.

Caprica bundled up and grabbed a spare pare of black gloves in the hope that they'd fit Cally.  Hailing a cab wasn't hard, though getting the cabbie to shut up proved impossible.  She listened to terrible holiday music, the noise of it blending in with the tire screeching amid renditions of hall-decking in a strange raspy squeal.  Honestly, Caprica preferred the choral versions of hymns--especially when they were done in the language called Latin.  There was something about the sound that made her want to lift her own voice up as well.  It didn't really matter that it wasn't a song to her God.  Or maybe it was.

Maybe it didn't matter at all.

The cabbie was from a strange country that had a woman with many arms as one of its many gods, and an elephantine man called Ganesh.  The idol swung madly from the rear view mirror and some oddly voiced character hyuck-yuck-ed and oh goshed its way through a song.  It was a terrible song, at best.  Caprica dug her fingers against the seat as they came to a stop in front of the Porter building.

"I will be waiting right here for you and your friend, yes?  And I will be turning the meter off for the waiting.  It is for the Christmas spirit," the cabbie said, beaming.  Caprica smiled and opened the door, gathering the coat she'd found for Cally and the hot tea filled thermos.  A spare set of gloves that looked like would fit the woman was tucked into her over sized handbag, deftly slid over her arm as she searched for the woman.

† cally tyrol | specialist lazy, † caprica aquila | caprica

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