origamiguardian &
sibyllantWHERE: the BoP office building
WHEN: after the Joker killed people :(
WARNINGS: I don't think so.
SUMMARY: Maggie was attacked by the Joker shortly before he revealed himself on the network. Oracle is concerned, and asks her to come in for some tests, and to discuss what information she has.
FORMAT: anything you like!
... )
Maggie thinks a moment, finding all of those pesky words, as giving Oracle a detailed account would require a lot of them. "He was very reserved, as a man in a mask would be, but polite. It was hard to read him, but he displayed no overt hostility. We worked on a minor criminal case together, a theft. He was good at analyzing methodology and motive." Maggie rubbed her head. "He was looking to get money. Purportedly to rent an office located [blah]. He was looking for detective partners to help with his cases. He was mostly interested in criminal cases--which is actually rare work for a private eye. But maybe the money is the important part: I don't doubt he really wanted the money for something. Maybe even a base of operations, as he said. He offered to help me publish a book by my friend that I brought with me. He would have gotten an agent's cut if it was successful. I didn't detect any falseness in that intention." Maggie turned a little red. "I've been tricked by indirect deception before, though."
"One more thing. I reviewed the network post in which he was looking for partners. I and one other woman responded. The other woman who responded was the one he killed with her prosthetic arm. I don't know why he only knocked me out and killed her."
As Maggie spoke, a crease of concern gathered from Barbara's slight frown. It was always disturbing when the Joker displayed the ability to act with clarity for long periods of time. She knew, for instance, that 'Oberon' had showed up to help Danny with Danny that had been almost two months ago. It was possible that that had been the real Oberon, who in that case might still be confined somewhere, but the coincidence of it being Jason made it suspicious.
"When he wants to be, the Joker can be extremely effective at disguise he's tricked nearly everybody before, so don't feel as if you were easily misled." She said first, which was absolutely the case. Even Batman hadn't suspected during the events that led up to the Joker nearly killing Zatanna. "And that is very interesting. It's difficult to know with him, of course, but there are a few possibilities: as unlikely as it sounds, he may have simply forgotten about you, but I find it more likely that he wanted an audience for his performance." Babs bit her lip absently, thinking about whether she should say the last one or not. Really, though, it would be an insult to withhold the information, when she had gone through so much and was such an effective agent.
"It's also possible that he liked you," she said frankly, meeting Maggie's eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised if you two met again. Does he know anything about your powers?"
She turned back to the woman in the wheelchair. Maggie had no idea why anyone would like her, but a psychopath taking a shine to her made as much sense as anything else. If anything, the main consistency that she was aware of about the Joker was that he was unpredictable. "So he may have only knocked me out to keep me from interfering. He expressed concern via the Network, but it was very hard to interpret that."
Maggie sighed, lifting her arm as the doctor wrapped a blood pressure gauge around it. "He hasn't seen any major demonstrations personally. But..." She went red again. "About... about half the clothes I wear are actually paper. I wear my combat suit underneath. Right before he gassed me, my powers failed, and so my clothes turned back to paper and fell to the floor."
"I don't exactly keep my powers a secret, either. If he paid attention to my network posts, he may know some of what I'm capable of."
"I'm sure he gets the gist, in any case. It's not terribly important, but just something to be prepared for. Even without his Porter power, he's been known to neutralize others. Such as with Zatanna, who you met she usually speaks to use her magic, so he cut her throat. It isn't a true limitation of her power, however, so she was able to overcome the handicap." Babs bit her lip consideringly, retraining her eyes on Maggie. "I would recommend, however, that you find another place to live, and maybe change some of your daily routines. You're more than welcome to stay with us while scouting around."
"I... you're probably right." Maggie rubbed the back of her head. "I..." She reddened again. "If that's the case, maybe you could do me a favor? See..." She looked away, still red, then back at Barbara. "I can't help but buy books. I spend all my money on them. Or library fines, or... whatever. It takes all the willpower I have to remember to buy food, or clothes. Which is mostly underwear. I think it's sort of a side effect of my powers... But it's also just something... it's just... it's just a part of me." Maggie chewed on her lip. "I've been staying at the MAC precisely because it's free. If I need to rent somewhere... do you think you could set up an account for me, with the money you're paying me for the Hundred case and whatever work I do, that just went straight to rent? If I don't have to look at it, I don't think I'd withdraw from it for books."
It also reminded her how long it had been since she'd read a book, not wholesale devoured an e-version directly into her brain. While she was determined not to turn into a machine, it was certainly tempting, some days. She thought Maggie must enjoy reading the same way, so they were rather alike.
"Absolutely. I can help you look, too. It's the least I could do after rousting you from your apartment."
The doctor interrupted politely, having come back with a tray of vials and a needle. "Do you prefer your right or left arm?"
"I'm glad to hear you've been working with Cassie," Babs continued. "I ought to fit in a training session myself." She sighed, which was self-directed. Not enough hours in a day.
Maggie sat in the phlebotomy chair and looked up at Dr. Sadhwani. "It... doesn't really matter. Left, I guess." Maggie remained obedient and passive to the doctor, the moment the needle entered her arm not even registering in the slightest on her face. She sat and talked as blood was drawn.
"If I move in temporarily, I could help," Maggie said, always wanting to be of service to the people who were helpful to her. "What's your combat style?"
((This is a dumb question, but does Maggie know Oracle's real name? I know they met, but I don't know if she actually introduced herself))
"Escrima," she answered, reaching beneath the arm rests and pulling out the hidden sticks to show Maggie. The corners of her eyes crinkled in amusement as she added, "Obviously it's about the limit of what I can do, but I find it a comfort. That's what I was going to do to that hacker, but he never came close enough. Luckily, you and Zatanna showed up."
The doctor took a couple small vials, and shook Maggie's hand. "Thanks for being a good patient," she said with a smile. She then moved to the other side of the room, where the lab area was, setting up the machine to test the samples.
"So I'd enjoy having a partner. Practicing with Cass is always a good workout, but too long a session and my arms go numb." Babs made a soft huff of amusement.
"I'd be honored to train with you. I could throw some of my familiars at you if you wanted something different."
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