WHO: Hawkeye and anyone
WHERE: Downtown
WHEN: Late Halloween night.
SUMMARY: Someone has to help little old ladies cross the street with all you young whippersnappers running around in your devil masks.
FORMAT: Whatever floats your boat.
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She almost felt bad for him, really. Little old ladies could be vicious. Not that she had any plans on helping out or anything, she was pretty happy to keep up her stalking/grinning routine from above.
Although the offer to move furniture in exchange for homemade banana nut muffins tomorrow morning was tempting.
He could deal without that being shouted from the second floor window as she told him to be careful on the way home, though. Clint turned and waved up at her.
And that's when he saw the girl watching him. Was it a girl? He wasn't sure if you could convince a guy to wear that costume.
As he'd pulled back his cowl to calm the old woman down, the cocked eyebrow look that he was giving the figure was evident.
Carrie paused, ran through a half a dozen possible courses of action, and settled on the most direct. A quick hop took her to the edge of the roof where she caught a precarious perch.
"Gotta watch the older ones, spud," she called, just loud enough to be heard from the street. "Don't know if it's loneliness or what, but they'll keep you years."
crumbled... and...
Got all over...
"Fuck." He pulled out two arrows and glared at them, as if it was their fault that there was sticky crumbs in the feathers. Rummaging around some more, he came up with a flaky handful of crumbs that the wind blew off his hand. "Dessert. The silent killer."
And speaking of projectiles, she had to admit to herself that it was a little nice to see someone in the city taking up a bow and arrow. It served both as a pleasant reminder of home and to make her want a closer look. She hopped forward one more time -- right off the edge of the roof. By now it was a simple matter to lighten her density right before impact, so she landed with a cheery bounce and no harm done.
"So who're you, anyway?" she asked, heading over and watching the guy curiously. The color scheme was all off. Maybe this guy was the Purple Arrow.
He watched her fall with some concern. Clint can see that it's controlled, that she'll land just fine, but there's a difference between a kid that knows what she's doing and doesn't. The former gets his full support; he's just not 100% sure that she isn't the latter.
"I'm Hawkeye," he replies as he gives up on cleaning out the feathers. He'll just have to get new ones. "Or Clint. Neither one's much of a secret."
"Robin," she said, and amended it with her customary disclaimer of, "One of 'em, anyway." It was a little strange not being the only Robin around anymore. It sure changed how she introduced herself, at least. "I'd give a second name too, only that is a secret."
"One of 'em, huh? So where's your flock?"
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