(no subject)

Oct 20, 2010 00:10

WHO: lingeringhatred and open
WHERE: Some park in the City
WHEN: Monday; early morning
WARNINGS: no idea yet, will add as needed
SUMMARY: With no magic, no potions and a very high chance to get himself involved into a fight, Terra knows he has a large, potential issue. Solution? Train, train, train until where getting hit is not so much of a problem anymore.
FORMAT: starting off with Para

It had been two weeks now. Two weeks since he had woken up in this strange world - with his body and, as he had noticed later, without his ability to cast magic. Usually Terra would have thought that a small price to pay; he had always been one to rely more on his Keyblade and his physical strength anyway, but considering that he had yet to find a Moogle Shop or a similar institution where he could purchase potions the loss was of his Curaga magic put him on a bit more difficult spot.

Which just meant that he had to ensure that he was in top form the next time he encountered an enemy like the blue haired man in the alley and was able to compensate for that particular disadvantage. It wasn't like some training was be bad for him anyway, in fact it was definitely the most comforting thing he had done in a while.

Rising with or even befoer the sun wasn't anything new to him either and if it was rather fresh in the mornings, Terra didn't really notice. The park seemed soothing and familiar, even in autumn it reminded him of his only true home, of the Land of Departure. Carefully concentrating on his breathing, on every step he took, he went through the katas his master had taught him, slowly gaining speed (how long had it been since the last time he had focused like this, since he had had the chance to train like this?).

He had to get stronger; much stronger, if he wanted to defeat Xehanort. There was no way around it.

lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, † terra | the lingering sentiment, *open

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