Civil greetings pass'd between us

Oct 18, 2010 14:42

WHO: violentsoftie and gardenerthief
WHERE: Hiei's Warehouse
WHEN: After Midni-ight!
WARNINGS: Thieving, talking, makeouts
SUMMARY: If Kurama's plans are going to move forward, he needs a lifestyle upgrade.
FORMAT: Paragraph makes me happy.

For the fox of jackal-genius'>
Kurama had come to enjoy shopping, the experience of being catered to and exchanging money for items in an orderly fashion. After thousands of years of cutting out the middle man, it was novel. For one thing, conversations with shopkeepers tended to be much more civil this way. 'How may I help you, sir?' had a nicer ring to it than 'PUT THAT DOWN! GUARDS! GUARDS!' even if it wasn't as funny.

It was, however, increasingly inconvenient given how expensive the upkeep of their growing family had become, and Kurama's personal career goals. He had plans to work his way into a comfortable position for one of the city's larger corporations, but that would take time, and with the destruction of the Mu's home, a more immediate solution was necessary.

First of all, there was his image to see to. There was no question that in order to be perceived as a capable and successful person, he needed to dress the part, and it would take months on the stipend that came with his tags to save up enough to buy another good suit.

Guards guards it was, then, although there really wasn't any drama involved in breaking into a high-end clothing store. He just put on a ski mask and gloves, knocked said guards out in a sufficiently thorough way that they wouldn't get fired over it, fiddled with the security system, grabbed two duffel bags from the sporting section, and perused.

Not wanting to linger over-long, he went back out through the roof, hopped a few buildings over, and walked calmly out of an alley and down onto the subway. Not wanting to disturb Yukina by coming home so late, he brought his bags to Hiei's warehouse, pried a mirror out of one of the bathrooms, and set himself up in a corner to try on his takings. (He was also, privately, looking forward to seeing Hiei's reaction. He'd been doing some thinking and had something of a business proposal for the younger demon.)

The ski mask lacked a certain style, he had to admit. He'd have to come up with something a little better, if this was going to become a habit...

† hiei | n/a, † shuichi minamino | kurama

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