This hideousness brought to you by Queen.

Oct 16, 2010 13:27

WHO: The Pro and Frank Castle
WHERE: Somewhere shitty in the City.
WHEN: Saturday night
WARNINGS: Violence!
SUMMARY: The Pro's out beating up assholes. So's the Punisher! Wow, they have lots in common.
FORMAT: Stuff. Para to start at least.

But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you, I'm standing on my own two feet. Out of the doorway the bullets rip, Repeating the sound of the beat~ )

† frank castle | the punisher, n/a | the pro

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due_punishment October 18 2010, 03:53:15 UTC
"Don't lie." Frank raised his foot and brought it down hard before Jack could have a chance to move his finger. The sound of cracking bone was audible above the thump of his boot. "Nine more chances, better start telling us the truth."


hhhhfuckedagain October 19 2010, 22:28:52 UTC
'Jack' shrieked his fool head off at the broken finger, struggling wildly for a moment and only making it worse.

"Tell us where the kids are, douchefucker," the woman growled at him. "I know you know who's got what shipment of 'em when; you told me last time and I let you off with a warning. You ain't gettin away so easy this time, 'less you fess up."

Not that she was really going to let him get away at all, but hey, he didn't have to know that, did he?

He stammered something about another group coming in in just a few hours, tugging ineffectually to try and get his hand away from the Punisher.


due_punishment October 22 2010, 02:46:51 UTC
"Where?" To emphasis the urgency of his question Frank stamped down on Jack's ring finger. "Answer me."

He had to get that location out of this punk, and soon.

Even if he didn't have the firepower he would have preferred for this kind of hit there were kids involved, and that meant every second counted. Didn't mean he had to go in like idiot though. He could still even the odds by getting there ahead of time and setting up a few surprise for them. Not the best plan, but it would have to do for now. The kids were too important.


hhhhfuckedagain October 22 2010, 18:18:12 UTC
Oh yeah, it didn't take long. The guy shrieked and struggled again, but was quickly reduced to blubbering and gave up the time and location he was told the 'shipment' would be transferred.

The Pro arched an eyebrow. Pity he hadn't held out longer. Fucker deserved worse than a broken finger.


due_punishment October 23 2010, 23:29:08 UTC
Frank would have happily given the creep much worse, but he had decided to hold off just in case Jack was lying. He could always come back later and pay him a visit. Guys like Jack were never hard to find. Then again it wouldn't hurt to take out some insurance. Pulling out his pistol Frank aimed at Jack's left foot, and fired.

It wouldn't kill him if he got to a hospital fast enough, and it would ensure he wouldn't be fleeing town until he'd had it treated. Just long enough for Frank to take care of this business and then get back to him.


hhhhfuckedagain October 24 2010, 04:09:20 UTC
"Jesus, man. You gotta shoot him?" She didn't particularly like guns, actually. Getting shot at had happened more times than she liked to think about, before she got her powers. And then more afterward.

But then again, this scumbag needed some kinda lesson. And a way to keep him from running too far, too fast.


due_punishment October 25 2010, 04:29:16 UTC
"Yes," Frank said, glaring at her over his shoulder. "We need to get moving. Not a lot of time before the meet, and I want to prepare a welcome for them. Might be a messy. You still in?"


hhhhfuckedagain October 25 2010, 22:58:25 UTC
She thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded. Maybe she could keep it from being as much of a bloodbath. Helped to have a few guys to toss at the cops, after all. She was on good relations with them for it.

"Mm, sure."


due_punishment October 26 2010, 02:49:47 UTC
"Let's go then," Frank said as he stepped over Jack as he writhed on the floor in pain. Then he stopped and turned around. Normally it was something he would never ask, but under the circumstances it couldn't hurt. "Some more firepower would be helpful, would give us the edge we'd need. Know where I could find some?

If she didn't know, or didn't want to tell him then he'd make do with what he had. Still, if she did tell him he might finally be able to get himself a supplier in town.


hhhhfuckedagain October 26 2010, 03:20:33 UTC
In response, she lifted off the ground a bit.

"Honestly, I don't know where to get guns, except the ones we might find where we're goin'. But I can kick a man in half or punch his jaw off. That's gotta help a bit at least."


due_punishment October 26 2010, 03:46:38 UTC
"A bit." If she actually did kick criminals in half than maybe he had finally found a super hero he wouldn't mind running into. Even if she didn't, the fact she didn't mind beating information out of them certainly made her an improvement over most of the ones he'd run into.

"Hmmm going to need transportation." Stepping back over to Jack, Frank rifled through his pockets looking for keys. Piece of shit like this had to have a ride of some kind, Jack certainly wasn't going to need it anytime soon.


aaa I swear I was replying to this last night and forgot to hit post. hhhhfuckedagain October 28 2010, 23:51:13 UTC
Really? She arched an eyebrow at her new bff as he rifled through Jack's pockets, quite unimpressed at his idea for how to find transportation.

"Flying's faster." And wow, guess what! She can fly! Well, isn't that the most helpful thing ever. For a moment though, she had to fight to keep from snickering at the mental image of herself carrying him baby-style. Better to keep that one inside.


due_punishment October 29 2010, 01:26:38 UTC
"It's also high profile." Damn punk didn't have any keys on him, just perfect. Frank grumbled a curse under his breath and stood back up. "Guess we're flying. Alright, how do we do this?"

He was going to end up regretting this.


hhhhfuckedagain October 29 2010, 01:32:33 UTC
"Not really. You think people actually fucking look up around here? Or out windows? Pfff, I could fly through the whole damn City naked and maybe one person might notice."

"Put your arm over my shoulder, and I'll get you." A little flirtatiously, because lol hooker and because she could, the Pro slid her arm around his waist.


due_punishment October 29 2010, 01:40:48 UTC
Frank gave her a brief glance as she slid her arm around his waist, but did as he was told and put his arm over her shoulder. "Just don't drop me."

Yep, definitely regretting this.


hhhhfuckedagain October 29 2010, 02:05:13 UTC
"Ain't making no promises, 'cept that if I do drop you, I'll catch you."

Pfft, wuss. Making sure she had a secure grip on his belt, the Pro lifted off, taking advantage of a broken set of windows to get them outside.

"Unless you wanna get carried like a baby. S'more secure, but not manly at all."


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