"That's me, the $6 Million Can Opener"

Sep 22, 2010 07:48

WHO: Jaime Sommers (iamjaimesommers), The Shadow (sable_cloak), Sarah Connor (terminatefate), and any POLICE CAST that would like to participate. And anyone else it makes sense to show up (the Master?)! (Tag yourselves in when you get here ( Read more... )

† chris skelton | super skelton, † the master | mr. saxon, † lamont cranston | the shadow, † jaime sommers | agent dopey, † sarah connor | countdown, † sheldon jeffery sands | weaver

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Yikes! I know what you mean. sands_in_mexico September 23 2010, 04:43:37 UTC
[Sheldon looked over his shoulder at the sound of the footsteps of the approaching Lamont. He's never met the man before and the taser was their best defense. Bullets wouldn't do much damage and if stopping or shorting the circuit to her arm would help, he didn't mind the repercussions that would follow. He cared about Jaime and cared for her which made the decision very hard to make.

Once the trigger was pulled, there's no taking back what happened.]

Stay back.

[He kept his eyes on Jaime. Heightened senses and a very acute accuracy was all that he needed along with an incredible intuition that he didn't have to know a person intimately to know they were either telling the truth or lying. He knew that Jaime was unaware of what was happening to her which made it very hard to shake.

Seeing Sarah made it just that much more difficult to explain what was going on. He didn't want to give away her secret but somehow, something was going to have to give.

He pulled the trigger on the taser. Likely or less, it was enough to knock down a horse. Modifications were a godsend in some ways.]


iamjaimesommers September 23 2010, 14:12:18 UTC
[the taser dart strikes Jaime in the LEFT shoulder, sending her convulsing and falling into half-consciousness. However the insulative failsafes in her bionics prevent the electric shock from carrying into her cybernetic limbs (it's 70s sci-fi, bear with me)--and does nothing to stop her right arm from doing what it's doing, the upper arm of which is now hot enough that the rubber skin has melted away completely around a round metal housing inside the robotic arm, which is glowing with heat. The bad scent grows worse as the failsafes in the arm are failing and the fleshy part of her right shoulder begins to burn from the situation.

Having already bent to prepare to jump into the elevator shaft, Jaime's convulsions from the taser strike send her about to topple into the shaft...

SARAH: You notice that unlike a terminator, the skin around the metal arm is not real skin. You also notice that she obviously does have real skin elsewhere, which is now burning from the arm heating up]

((ooc: FYI the point of the taser hitting her fleshy bits was to clear Sarah to EMP her arm.))


terminatefate September 25 2010, 12:28:48 UTC
Sarah moved quickly, pulling Jaime back from the elevator shaft and studying her as she did so. The woman wasn't a Terminator, but she could tell, now, that she had been enhanced using machinery. That, in itself was horrifying. There were upsides, like strength and the ability to use lost limbs, but still, it made Sarah's skin crawl as she moved Jaime to relative safety.

Her hand flashed out to slam a tight, precise EMP blast, aimed to knock out the overloading power pack that was obviously about to blow. Bright streaks of pain flared through her head as she did so and she grimaced. No words were necessary, so she just grit her teeth for a moment.

Her eyes flicked back to Lamont and then Sands.

"That ambulance better the fucking quick," she snapped.


iamjaimesommers September 25 2010, 13:02:07 UTC
[Her power pack--and thus all of Jaime's bionics--shut down. Jaime, already stunned by the taser dart, completely passes out.]


sable_cloak September 25 2010, 15:33:42 UTC
It shouldn't be long.

[Lamont watches the woman go limp and has noted the bionics. He kneels next to Sarah, setting a hand on Jaime's forehead. He looks down at her face and narrows his eyes at the unconscious woman as he concentrates. Her behavior was much like the other victim he's helped, she seemed oblivious to all.

He goes very still as he cautiously initiates his telepathy. He's more concerned about backlash from Jaime's mind, than he is another telepath at the moment.]


sands_in_mexico September 25 2010, 20:55:20 UTC
[Kneeling for Sheldon was extremely difficult for him but the fact remained that he still had her schematics. Trusting someone to use them properly was a difficult matter. He pulled out the chip from a hidden compartment in his watch that contained the tiny memory card and replaced the one in his Black Jack to read it. This was how he knew to use the taser.

He handed over his device to Sarah so she could get a better idea.]

I trust that you won't tell anyone else about this.

[His eyes showed a bit of sadness as he looked to Jaime.]

I want the both of you to keep this a secret...for her sake. The doctors...I'll handle them. I have a story for them already prepared. I'll talk to them. Don't mention anything about her ripping apart that elevator door or she's fucked.

[He moved to look behind him and glared at the cops that were surrounding them.]

Secure this area and don't let anyone come up to this floor until Officer Sommer's is cleared from the building. I'll need a path cleared from the freight elevator. When the ambulance arrives, tell them to meet us at the freight dock. MOVE!

[The cops didn't question Sheldon as they did as they were told.]


Masterous should correct or supplement if need be. PS y'all are AWESOME iamjaimesommers September 26 2010, 03:33:25 UTC
[Lamont notes a few things about Jaime's mind:

- what triggered her to do this was a series of carefully, expertly laid hypnotic suggestions, some to forget her being hypnotized and some to instruct her to make her way as swiftly as possible to the bowels of the police station. These suggestions were put in place relatively recently.

- Her obliviousness was linked in to some of her OWN memory blocks she's subconsciously put around old (from several years ago) memories. There are also some memories flat out missing but it's NOT from recent tampering. More like brain damage that happened a few years ago.

- Her mental awareness and vitality is fading FAST. ]


sable_cloak September 26 2010, 06:01:23 UTC
[He does not react to Sheldon's revelation of the information as he moves a hand to her throat, checking the woman's pulse. The fading of her mind and body are severely concerning, and far faster than he'd expect.

The revelation that the mental blocks are not all from outside sources is concerning to note but not his current concern. That she was slipping away was his focus.]

Blast it.

We may not have time to wait for the ambulance. We'll lose her if she doesn't get help now.

[There is precious time, and without her conscious mind to guide him, he will have to search through brute force to locate the point in her mind where the hypnotic suggestions were put into place in order to undo them. He does not want to send her off to the hospital with the mental suggestions still in place, if he can undo some of the damage in time.]


terminatefate September 27 2010, 03:03:16 UTC
Sarah just frowned, glancing over the device as she tried to figure out what the fuck could be done. Her EMP had done enough damage. Resuscitation was one thing, but the problem with that was goddamn machines. If they restarted her--assuming they could do that--would her arm just continue its overload, or worse, just detonate?

"Well, this is a fucking mess," Sarah said, her voice a snarl. "I shut her down. The only thing I can think of doing is chest compressions until the damn bus shows up."


sands_in_mexico September 27 2010, 03:15:18 UTC
Sheldon made a decision. "You did what you had to in order to save lives. Jaime wouldn't expect anything less." He knew that it was a steep price to pay but they were agents first and foremost with the promise to keep as many people safe meant a sacrifice had to be made even at the cost of their own lives. Sheldon hated the ever present fact that he wasn't physically able to do anything to stop her life from ebbing away.

He did what came to his mind and that was to give her air. He dropped his crutches and extended his bad leg to keep from bending it to perform mouth to mouth. There was not a moment to lose. He wasn't about to let what happened to Jaime that happened with Elisa.


sable_cloak September 27 2010, 03:24:22 UTC
Contact wasn't necessary to maintain the mental connection, and so Lamont moved back to allow Sheldon room. He stayed close though, to keep the connection as strong as possible. There was no time to lose, while the officer kept her body alive, he had to save her mind. His first priority was locating the memory which contained the point at which the brainwashing had occurred. There were a number of memories in the way, and so he had to push caution to the side as he sent his mind racing against time, in search of that point.


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sable_cloak September 28 2010, 05:22:53 UTC
[Naughty....and foolish to have blundered so thoroughly into the trap. The searing effect on The Shadow's mind was strong, and forced him to physically react to the pain that surged through his head.

Undeterred, however, he put his energy toward clearing away the droning sound of the drums the best he can. The laughter was less difficult to ignore, but the four-beat pounding in his head was persistent, annoying, and threatened to distract him from the efforts at hand.

He was more cautious in his approach this time, but still pushed forward into Jaime's fading psyche, seeking out the point at which the damage had been done, in order to prevent it from happening at the hospital until he had a better opportunity to completely remove the commands of the "Master" from the woman's mind.]


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sable_cloak October 5 2010, 16:39:06 UTC
[Lamont tried to focus on the task of oppressing the imprinted behavior, but the sound of drums in his head finally proved too distracting, and he took precious time to calm his mind and quiet the drums before he returned to Jaime's mind.

The power required to press new behavior upon her without manipulating her other memories or behaviors spoke of significant power, and he knew it would not be any simple task to remove it. While he moved along with the paramedics, sitting in the ambulance, he focused on isolating the imposed behavior, in an attempt to keep it from happening again. Once they arrived at the hospital and she was stabilized, he would later return, to finish the job.]


iamjaimesommers September 27 2010, 14:59:30 UTC
[Jaime's heart hasn't stopped yet, but on its own, her obviously fading pulse suggests it will unless, indeed, medical attention is on its way. Helping get more oxygen to her brain is not a bad thing, however, as it helps Lamont stay in touch with her mind.

Fortunately, sirens signal the arrival of the ambulance, as there are shouts outside as the EMTs prepare to do their duty. Two of them run in and assess the situation. Seeing first aid being given to Jaime, one of the EMTs approaches the discarded two police officers that Jaime kicked into the wall. With one with a neck twisted in a way necks should never be, and another that went head first into a wall, he makes a quick judgment both will just need to be body bagged and sent to the coroner.

The other EMT approaches the group surrounding Jaime.]


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