busy scenery

Sep 09, 2010 23:02

WHO: Angelica Jones, Wanda Lensherr and Pietro Maximoff
WHERE: SoHo! Where all the cool people shop.
WHEN: Friday in the afternoon sometime.
WARNINGS: Oh. Uhh... Can Wanda be her own warning?
SUMMARY: Wanda drags Pietro out shopping and he drags Angelica along. This will end well.
FORMAT: Imma start in para, but whatever you guys want to do is ( Read more... )

angelica jones | firestar, † wanda | the scarlet witch, pietro maximoff | quicksilver

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tothebalkans September 10 2010, 04:36:50 UTC
Wanda was skeptical of the shopping trip. She did not want to believe that this Angelica Jones as marrying her brother, but when he slept in the study her first night there and Wanda was curled up in her big bed, holding herself to sleep, it finally sunk in. Her brother was being promised to another woman and he did not need Wanda to hold his hand anymore. It was so...strange. For years he needed her as his anchor and as his emotional (and physical) support. Then, she was suddenly back here i the land of the living with a brother (that was so close to hers that she was convinced it was) that had forgotten her.

Of course, that was Wanda being melodramatic. She was so used to being given all the attention in the world, that this was positively foreign, new, and unpleasant. She did not want Pietro to divide his time and attention between Wanda and his fiance and she knew how relationships worked. Soon, evenly divided attention would turn to one third of the attention she previously got and then nothing at all and what would Wanda do? ( ... )


microwavemutant September 10 2010, 08:41:31 UTC
"They call me Firestar," Angelica said brightly from behind them, silently pleased that she was able to catch them apparently unawares. She smiled warmly, putting on her most confident, determined face to greet the twins, extending a hand to shake Wanda's. "But you can call me Angie, if you like ( ... )


oncemercurial September 10 2010, 10:05:25 UTC
"No, not at all." Pietro replied quickly, before Wanda could say anything to the contrary. Besides, if he didn't mind a small wait, she shouldn't. After a moment's deliberation, he leaned forward, pulling his arm from Wanda's reach to give Angelica a small kiss. "You look lovely, Angelica ( ... )


tothebalkans September 14 2010, 20:55:38 UTC
"Firestar." Wanda pursed her lips, watching the greetings between her brother and his fiance. It was hardly passionate, but oh, she was judging. Even Angelica's clothes weren't to her liking and Wanda might have been feeling overly critical, but what did you expect from a woman already in a foul mood? At least Pietro was still by her side. She was almost afraid of letting go of him in case he just drifted off, never to return.

"The X-Men?" Wanda laughed shortly. "How rich. So, you're a mutant after all."


microwavemutant September 14 2010, 22:21:39 UTC
"Yes, I'm a mutant." Angie smiled, trying not to flinch under Wanda's obviously scrutinizing gaze. She'd spent enough time living with Emma Frost, she ought to have been used to those types of condescending stares by now, but it still made her nervous to have anyone stare at her for an extended period of time. "I was never actually one of the X-Men though. I was trained by the White Queen at her school in Massachusetts before I set out on my own."

After sending Pietro a curious smile, she glanced around at the nearby shops. Everything seemed so trendy, much more complicated than the malls she routinely conquered in New Jersey. "So, uh, what are we shopping for exactly?"


oncemercurial September 14 2010, 22:43:25 UTC
"Shoes, apparently." The resigned disapproval was evident in Pietro's tone. "She has an entirely unreasonable number of them already, and yet apparently new boots are on today's agenda. For the fall."

He grabbed each of their hands and nodded down the street. Perhaps this would be easier if they were moving. Pietro would at least feel better if they were moving. He squeezed Angelica's hand reassuringly. Dealing with Wanda this way couldn't be easy and she certainly wasn't making any effort to lighten the mood. "Is there anything else we should look for?"


tothebalkans September 17 2010, 02:00:43 UTC
"Ah, I have heard of that academy. Very respectable." Part of her wanted to value it more than Xavier's. At least Headmistress Frost was not parading her group around as a holier-than-thou mutant team confused with its own sense of morals and the goal of their mission. She respected her Uncle Charles, but the team itself could use a spanking or two especially that Scott Summers.

Or a kicking with her anticipated new boots.

Wanda playfully swatted at Pietro's arm. "Now, don't be pouty. We'll find something for you too."

And just like that, they were moving down the street. Wanda squeezed her brother's hand, but the presence of Angelica on his other side still bore into her like a tick sucking and slurping. Nonetheless, she plastered on a faux smile and pointed out the boutique she was admiring the other day. "In here! I could use a new winter coat. One that isn't coated in blood."


microwavemutant September 17 2010, 08:16:01 UTC
Angelica held tightly to Pietro's hand, wincing slightly at just about everything Wanda said. From calling the Massachusetts Academy respectable to the mental image of Wanda in her coat, drenched with blood, it was all making Angie feel awkward and unpleasant, and most of all unwelcome. Still, it would be nice to look at coats, even though she didn't have the money for anything more elaborate than a hoodie from the clearance rack at the Gap. Not that she'd even wear some of those coats. They all looked so fancy and impractical. Oh well, she was better at window shopping anyway.

"Maybe there are some scarves inside. And mittens." Angie wasn't hopeful that anything in there would fit her budget, but she was willing to be cordial. She had to, for Pietro's sake. Shrugging, she opened and held the door for them before following them in. "Wow. Swanky."


oncemercurial September 17 2010, 15:48:19 UTC
Pietro nodded absently as they entered the shop. He'd probably been here before, with the other version of Wanda, but all the shops were so similar in their ostensibly artistically designed layouts started to run together after a while. "Indeed. And everything here is most likely outrageously overpriced."

After a moment of looking over the shop, he gestured for Angie and Wanda to have a look around and wandered over to a quiet corner from which he could observe without having to actively participate in the shopping exercise. Actually, such an area was probably designed exactly for the poor souls dragged along on these shopping excursions. He had no doubt that Wanda, or Angelica, or both would eventually pull him into the fray, but until that happened, Pietro figured he could enjoy the moment of quiet.


I totally forgot to TRACK. THIS. LOG. tothebalkans September 26 2010, 17:50:19 UTC
"Mittens?" Wanda scoffed, already inside and running her hands past the expensive leather and fur coats. She was like a child amid the expensive clothing and accessories. "Darling, we'll find you some real leather gloves with a fur inlining. Now that will keep you warm in the winter."

She whipped her head to Pietro at his snappy pricey whining. "Money is never a problem with me."


<3 microwavemutant September 26 2010, 20:35:13 UTC
Leather and fur. Ugh. Angie was no animal rights activist, but she wasn't exactly a fan of using animal pelts for something as trivial as gloves. Then again, given her ability to heat herself up at will, the need for gloves or mittens was greatly diminished.

"Have you come into some money, Wanda?" She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that comment. Unless she had something stashed away somewhere, Angie wasn't sure how Wanda could be so relaxed when it came to money. Money was Angie's number one worry in this world, just like back home.


no worries, bb oncemercurial September 27 2010, 03:03:55 UTC
The look that crossed Angelica's face didn't escape Pietro. He knew she was fond of animals, even very fond of them. But he had no idea what her personal feelings were on the use of fur and leather in clothing. Wanda was, of course, all for it. Anything to make her garments seem richer and more opulent. Strangely enough, that seemed to hold true it alternate realities as well.

At Angie's question, Pietro tried to think of the answer in his head and abruptly realized that he couldn't. The previous incarnation of his sister had amassed a small fortune, yes, but she'd bequeathed it all to Gemma and this Wanda hadn't been in the City long enough for the same odd scenario to have occurred. Absently, he hoped she didn't think he would be paying for an extravagant shopping trip. Pietro was living more comfortably now that he had a job, yes, but a librarian's salary likely wouldn't cut it knowing his sister.


tothebalkans September 30 2010, 12:50:41 UTC
Oh, they were so cute worrying over her financial troubles. Wanda had her other brother and sister worry over their money too from her previous incarceration in this dump, but they worried of a different sort. Multiple Neo-Nazi organizations suddenly found themselves quite broke due to Pietro's amazing speed and Lorna's wonderful magnetic manipulation. They were able to afford fine things for their manor in Rhinebeck and Wanda just presumed that everything would work all the well. She did just return as if no time had passed, so she remembered where her old home was and where she stashed her funds. A quick trip and inventory of her items later and she was back in the City with funds suitable enough for her tastes.

She would need to steal some more later. Her 'bank' was depleting (most of it having been spent on refurnishing and decorating her old home), but she would find a way that did not involve wearing an apron and working in a mediocre chain restaurant with the flatscans.

"I always have money," Wanda said cryptically.


microwavemutant September 30 2010, 21:21:39 UTC
Angie sent Pietro a puzzled look, abandoning her quest for winter wear to return to his side. Trying to save up for college was taking it's toll on her urge to shop. If Wanda had some mysterious stash of money tucked away somewhere, she could waste it all on extravagant coats. Angie would do just fine with her jackets and mittens and reasonably priced clothing items.

"So, uh, Wanda, do you see anything you just have to have?"


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