Books are definitely more interesting than people.

Aug 30, 2010 12:22

WHO: Bennett and whoever wants to come bug her [OPEN!]
WHERE: Public Library
WHEN: Monday Morning
SUMMARY: The library is one place Bennett always feels comfy. Nerdy girl is nerdy. And apologies for the teal deer.

Since she had arrived, Bennett had more or less been living like a hermit. After she had obsessively cleaned her apartment a few times (Topher's little mention of evil mold had made her a little paranoid, especially in this new world), Bennett worked on the schematics for her Sotamosensory system override device. Back home she kept getting stuck but now that she was here? She had figured out multiple ways to accomplish it in record time. She wondered if that had something to do with those so called superpowers. But she still thought that was silly.

Now that she was feeling a little bit better about this entire situation, she wanted to find something to read. Well, just do some research in general. Figure out some of the other supposed differences from this world and the one she came from. It was something to do while she waited for Topher convince his new boss to get her security clearance. She was feeling a little iffy about that entire situation but a job was a job was it not? And it was a chance to start over with Topher. To not have Caroline interfere and cause trouble.

After a very nerve-wrecking ride to the library, Bennett found herself a nice quiet spot to sit down and read. She took quite a few books that were all about advanced neuroscience and other brainy things that were important to her. She brought a notebook with her to take notes and jot down ideas for new potential pieces of technology. She kept everything sparse though, just in case she somehow lost the book. She didn't want her notes falling into the wrong hands. The way they were written out, she was probably the only person who could understand them. While her handwriting was neater than most doctors', Bennett's was still a bit hard to decipher.

It was about 11 when Bennett decided to take a little break. Well, sort of. She just switched up her reading material a little. Instead of a science textbook she decided to read Pride and Prejudice. Bennett was a sucker for classic literature and Jane Austen was one of her favorites. As a kid, Bennett had always identified with Elizabeth Bennet. Mostly because they shared a name but that was okay. Children tended to latch on to silly things like that. As much as she hated to admit it, deep down, deep, deep down, Bennett did have a bit of a hopeless romantic in her. As evidenced by the fact she kept obsessively checking her communicator every few minutes for messages from Topher. Her crush on that man had to be a little unhealthy or something.

† alpha | n/a, † bennett halverson | n/a, maggie mui | paper sister, *open

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