WHO: Courtney and Jaime
WHERE: A nice little college campus outside of the City
WHEN: Aug 28 afternoon
SUMMARY: College-bound kiddies scoping out potential places to drop thousands of dollars in get to enjoy each other's company for the first time when some fightytimes go down THIS IS HOW ALL NORMAL PEOPLE MEET I'M SURE.
Having a somehow-sentient artificial intelligence embedded in one's brain certainly came in handy now and then. Mostly for the being-a-superhero parts (which really only happened because of aforementioned artificial intelligence, really), but there were the mundane things made convenient. Less math homework, for one. Sure, it was cheating, but not bad-- teachers gave out too many problems as far as Jaime was concerned. Especially when a student had some extracurriculars to deal with that fell along the lines of, say...punching out a robotic would-be overlord and keeping him from enslaving the City. Stuff like that.
Another thing was the built-in GPS. Without it, Jaime was pretty sure he was going to be spending a good hour trying to find the student center.
What is with colleges and six hundred paths in all directions?
Or...what was it with that and the other three campuses he'd gone and had a look at within the past month. Sticking with the tour was probably a good idea, but, hey. Built-in GPS.
Would've been nice if Abby had come along, though.
Your fault for oversleeping and not thinking to ask earlier.
Right. He sighed, bringing a hand up to shade his eyes as he squinted across the lawn to a row of buildings that looked vaguely like his old high school back in El Paso. For some reason, he kind of expected college digs to be a bit more...lofty? But then, he had nothing but movies to by until now.
At least I won't have to live out here, he thought, turning on his heel and peering down the other way. A quick rocket back and forth from his home at the other campus wouldn't be a problem at all. If this was the place he'd choose, that is. It seemed nice enough. Peaceful, even; not smack dab in the middle of a bustling urban jungle. It was almost weirdly quiet, and that might be the feature most appealing to him. Less stress.
Of course, things like peace and quiet weren't very abundant for those so-called superhero types.