Watching paint dry; open

Aug 10, 2010 12:31

WHO: Snake, OPEN
WHERE: Some random alley way in the City
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: None, I think
SUMMARY: Snake's feeling completely homesick and decides to let it out through paint.
FORMAT: Illustrated to start, it can be anything afterwards. Write, draw, whatever~

Whichever coast, there'll be room there for ghosts; Either way, I'll be thinking of you )

† rokk krinn | cosmic boy, † snake | sanford d. ingleberry, *illustrated log, *open

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ore_dinary_hero August 10 2010, 22:21:02 UTC
[OOC- Your art is awesome! Alas, I cannot draw to save my life, hope this is OK instead?]

"Uh." The unfamiliar rattling and hissing sounds led Rokk into the alley and he cocks his head, eyeing the picture thoughtfully. Turning to the other man he asks curiously, "Friends of yours?"


oops pardon that hissing_lisp August 10 2010, 22:37:24 UTC
((ooc:This is perfectly fine! I was assuming that some people would prefer not to draw, so writing is completely allowed for people who aren't artsy-fartsy.))

Snake jumped a little in surprise, he didn't even notice the young man walk into the alley. "Oh.. yesss, they are.." He glanced up at the picture again, frowning, names and faces passing through his mind.
He had hoped that doing something like this would get his friends out of his brain, that's usually how his art worked. But it looked like this was only making things worse.


ore_dinary_hero August 11 2010, 11:43:20 UTC
The people in the picture looked nothing like any species Rokk was familiar with - honestly, a couple looked more like the fictional monsters he'd seen pictures of while trapped in the 20th century before - but that didn't mean a lot. And the way the artist was looking at the image, they couldn't just be some non-existent creatures, even before he confirmed Rokk's suspicions. "You miss them huh?"


hissing_lisp August 11 2010, 23:52:15 UTC
Snake let out a hollow, hiss-less laugh. "Youse could sssay that.."
Of course he missed them.
Being in the Gang meant everything to Snake. They were.. family.. though he had never thought of them that way before. It wasn't perfect, but it was the closest thing he had to one.


ore_dinary_hero August 12 2010, 22:12:22 UTC
"Hey." Rokk clasped the other's shoulder comfortingly, smiling sympathetically as he said, "I know it's hard, being dragged away from everyone you know and care about. A lot of people here are going through the same thing. It doesn't make it any easier but you're not alone in dealing with this."

He knew he was lucky to have the other Legionnaires around, even those he didn't know so well. Familiar faces made all the difference. And knowing others were relying on him gave him more reason to keep it together. But not everyone was so lucky. "I'd be willing to listen if you need someone to talk to or just want some company. I'm Rokk Krinn."


hissing_lisp August 12 2010, 23:32:57 UTC
"Thanksss... My name'ss Sssnake." he smiled a little bit, surprised and thankful at the mere thought that someone would be able to understand. Snake slid out from Rokk's grasp on his shoulder, feeling a little awkward at the unfamiliar gesture of comfort. He stood up and slowly began to gather his cans of paint off the ground and toss them into a nearby plastic bag. He grabbed a clean, black notebook off of the ground last, carrying it under his arm rather than in the bag. Snake paused for a second before plopping down on the box again, deciding he still didn't need to go anywhere just yet. But keeping his stuff together would be good if he needed to make a getaway.

He glanced back up at the graffiti and frowned, turning to Rokk. "If anys copss assk you about thiss.. uhm, can youse keep it sssecret? I haven't gotten mixed up with any in thisss city yet.."


ore_dinary_hero August 15 2010, 05:25:49 UTC
Rokk leaned against the wall, watching Snake gather his belongings, blinking in surprise at the request. He looked again at the wall, confusion clearing as he caught on. Of course he wouldn't want the police to find out, this was defacing public property. But he'd have to be one hell of a creep to tell Snake off for that. It wasn't like the Legion hadn't done it's share of property damage before - and the wall was still standing which was a lot better than their record tended to be.

"My lips are sealed. I'm not interested in getting mixed up with local law enforcement either. I find they just make life more difficult."


hissing_lisp August 16 2010, 05:34:24 UTC

... )


ore_dinary_hero August 16 2010, 22:54:03 UTC
"Whoa, easy there!" Rokk chuckled, holding up his hands to try and hold back the tide of pessimism. Whatever Snake's story was - and he could make a few guesses - he clearly had some issues with the police. Rokk wasn't in any hurry to get acquainted with the local cops either but that was mostly to avoid questions like 'are you old enough to be doing that' and 'where's your guardian' that he'd had to deal with from the TwenCen law enforcement before.

"No one's going to catch you for anything - unless you plan on assaulting someone while you're here. Something like that," he gestured at the wall, "Isn't going to get you into trouble." He didn't think. It couldn't be that hard to clean some paint off, could it? "It's definitely not going to get you sent to prison. And if you're worried about them discriminating against you because of how you look - which they shouldn't in a city like this - I can help out there."


aughhh sorry this took so long! And it's so short! ;; hissing_lisp August 19 2010, 02:17:53 UTC
Snake listened quietly, agreeing that maybe he was over reacting a little about the whole thing.. He tended to do that, especially toward things that freaked him out. He raised an eyebrow as Rokk mentioned "helping out", though.
"And what could youse do, exactlys?"


XD Don't apologise, I'm slow as and tl;dr too much ore_dinary_hero August 19 2010, 22:22:39 UTC
"Well, it depends on what happens," Rokk replied, shrugging loosely. "If the police did try and arrest you I could come bail you out. And I'm sure my team wouldn't mind you sticking with us if you like - trust me when I say you wouldn't stand out in the least with us." And it wouldn't be the first time the Legion had taken in someone they'd just met.

[Also Cos is cheesy as all hell and I should apologise :P]


hissing_lisp August 24 2010, 01:24:59 UTC
Snake rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, surprised at the offer. "Uh.. Thankss, but... even if they ain't with me, I'm ssstill in a gang.. I don't think I'll be changings that sssoon." He honestly did appreciate the random burst of kindness from this stranger, but the past was still tying him down too much, a jumbled combination of fear and brotherhood kept him locked in his Gangreen Gang mentalities. At least for now.

['Tis fine~! :D
Also dkhfdsf it's sad that Snake's still GGG-loyal in this post, in the Slade Villains-for-Hire plot, he recently had a hallucination that his gang was threatening to kill him for leaving them behind, and out of fear he fought back. He thinks he killed them, even though the whole thing happened in his head. ;__; ]


ore_dinary_hero August 26 2010, 22:24:06 UTC
"Sure, I understand." Rokk's loyalties would always be to the Legion, even if he was the only Legionnaire around so he could understand the sentiment.

Snake saying he was part of a gang did set off a few alarm bells, especially with the way he had expected the police to be a source of trouble. But Rokk couldn't judge just based on that, not without knowing the full story and it was no reason to think the worst. "But the offer still stands if you ever need a friend."

[Oh man what? Talk about irony. Poor guy, though I guess that's one way to get rid of old loyalties.]


aaaa im sorry for my slownessss! ;A; hissing_lisp August 31 2010, 00:56:46 UTC
"..thankss.. I appreciatess it."
Snake might not be the most cold-hearted villain, but Rokk may actually have reason to be wary of the serpent-like teen. His crimes could go well beyond vandalism should his leader call for it. He was easily manipulated by other people, and much of the way he'd turned out was by following bullies for safety. But there was a point where he did have to take responsibility for the way he'd turned out.
Sure, Townsville mistreated anyone who was a monster or a freak.. but from that point you could've gone two ways. Only three freaks had ever chosen to prove their worth through good acts.
Snake, like every other Townsville villain, had made the wrong choice. And it all went downhill from there.

[ooc:Yeah, I kinda feel sorry for him :'D I've been waiting to see if he got accepted as a member of Villains for Hire or not!


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