
Jul 19, 2010 03:50

WHO: protectorprime , theprimerprime , OPEN to anybody else in Autobase.
WHERE: Autobase.
WHEN: Saturday, July 17th, in the morning.
WARNINGS: As Sentinel is involved, a chin advisory is an effect.
SUMMARY: Optimus Prime, decidedly not the same Optimus that was in the city before, has come to the Autobase to meet his fellow Autobots.
FORMAT: What do I look like, Mister Format ( Read more... )

† blackarachnia | n/a, † sentinel prime | n/a, † optimus prime | ollie peterson, † grimlock | n/a, vector prime | n/a, † sari sumdac | n/a, † blurr | bluestreak, *in progress

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NO IT IS ALL GOOD theprimerprime July 20 2010, 01:31:50 UTC
Sentinel would have adamantly denied that he was brooding, had he been privy to Vector's thoughts. Which did not, of course, change the fact that he was brooding behind the newspaper he insisted on reading every morning, despite not actually caring about half the information in it.

He got up to answer the door as soon as he heard the knock, quickly, but unhurried. He wasn't about to go running to the door for Optimus of all people. Especially not this Optimus.

On opening the door, he looked the new arrival over thoroughly, obviously sizing him up. This Optimus, he noted with dismay, looked nothing like his Optimus. He was a lot older, for one. Not that Sentinel was much of an expert on the human aging process, but he was used to Optimus being the same age as himself. He was used to them being on equal footing.

Out of nowhere, he found himself wondering if this Optimus in his true body looked anything like the Optimus he knew. Or were they as different as robots as they were as humans, and shared nothing in common but the name? He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of them sharing similarities or not.

"Optimus," he greeted, if it could even be called a greeting. The implied 'if that is your real name' was left unspoken. "Come in."


protectorprime July 20 2010, 03:56:41 UTC
Optimus would've had to have been missing more than a few screws (and maybe his eyes too) to miss the unspoken meaning behind Sentinel's "greeting", but he didn't let it bother him.

"Thank you, Sentinel." He said, inclining his head to the other Prime as he walked inside and looked around. "So this is the Autobot's base..." He muttered. He had a number of questions about the status of the Autobot's in the city, but he figured he'd let Sentinel ask him any questions he had first.


theprimerprime July 20 2010, 11:58:17 UTC
"It is, though I use the term 'base' loosely," Sentinel explained. "From a tactical perspective, the place is useless. But it's equipped with everything you'll need as a human. I'll show you to your quarters after the briefing. Sit."

He gestured toward the living room couch, returned to his own seat in his usual chair, and waited for Optimus to follow his lead.


protectorprime July 20 2010, 23:45:48 UTC
It wasn't until he followed Sentinel's request and sat down that Optimus realized something - the walk from the building with that "Porter" AI to here had tired out his legs. He let out a sigh. "This will take a little getting used to..." He muttered.

Clearing his throat, he looked up at Sentinel. He said nothing - he figured if the other Prime wanted to know anything about Optimus or where he came from, he'd ask.


theprimerprime July 21 2010, 00:29:49 UTC
"You don't even know the half of it yet," Sentinel replied dryly. He even cracked a smile for the first time since Optimus had shown up, albeit a vaguely sadistic one. After everything he'd been through with his own human body, he couldn't help indulging in a moment of schadenfreude. At least this Optimus wouldn't have to deal with it for long. Not if things went according to plan.

"But that can wait. To begin with, I know you spoke with Starscream. Believe it or not, he is telling the truth about our truce. There hasn't been any aggression between his faction and ours for months. I still don't trust him further than I could throw him, but even if he is lying, the Decepticons here are no threat to us. Between the ones that get ported out and the fact that Starscream can't even keep his own team together, we've got them outnumbered and outclassed."


protectorprime July 21 2010, 00:40:52 UTC
"As many universes as there may be, I doubt that there's a single one where Starscream is trustworthy." Optimus muttered, remembering a few choice encounters he'd had with the Decepticon Air Commander in the past. "Still, if Megatron showed up..."

"How many Decepticons are here total? Both Shockwave and Ravage spoke to me..." He paused. "Thundercracker as well, but he seemed....different from the Thundercracker I knew." The fear Optimus had was obvious - if Megatron showed up to command his troops, they could very suddenly become a lot less "outnumbered and outclassed".


theprimerprime July 21 2010, 01:02:59 UTC
Something loathing and dangerous flashed in Sentinel's eyes at the mention of Thundercracker's name, but he didn't comment. "Four that are active and currently aligned with Starscream," he replied. "And Ravage isn't among them. He comes from some aft-backward universe where the Autobots are violent tyrants and the Decepticons are the ones protecting Cybertron. For obvious reasons, he's chosen to live here with us."


protectorprime July 21 2010, 01:49:59 UTC
Optimus recalled Ravage mentioning something about him being a violent tyrant -- he had chosen not to take it at face value, but if that same Ravage was staying here, something had to be backwards...especially considering the only Ravage he knew had had its spine torn out by Bumblebee the last he knew. If nothing else, though, only four Decepticons...it gave Optimus the smallest amount of relief.

"How many of us are there, then?"


theprimerprime July 21 2010, 02:21:38 UTC
"Counting you, there are twelve of us occupying this base, but many of them aren't true Autobots. Cheetor, my second in command, comes from a future in which his Maximals are the descendents of the Autobots. Sari comes from my universe and is some sort of Cybertronian-human hybrid. Metabee is not Cybertronian, but comes from a world that has similar inorganic life forms. Waspinator is a Decepticon who defected."

He glanced at Vector, who was still busying himself in the kitchen, and added, "And despite being a Prime, Vector over there technically claims neutrality."


borrowyourpower July 21 2010, 02:45:49 UTC
It was about now that Blackarachnia decided to come out of her room. As usual she was dressed in just a tank top and small shorts. The voices in the living room caught her attention. She made her way to the door way and leaned against it.

"So the fresh meat is here?" she asked with a purr, all four eyes fixated on the one that claimed to be Optimus.


spacetimeprime July 21 2010, 04:44:44 UTC
"My position as Prime has nothing to do with whether I call myself Autobot or Decepticon or Maximal or anything else," Vector Prime drawled, glancing briefly at Optimus before offering Sentinel his full attention. "We have already established that it means something far different than you are used to." He sipped at his coffee, as he had been during the conversation. Eavesdropping?...perhaps. Bu he wasn't about to offer any apologies for it.

As Blackarachnia announced herself, he arched a brow, lowering the cup. If he recalled correctly, the Malgus Optimus and her...hn.


ohai! namesnotzippy July 21 2010, 05:02:58 UTC
Blurr was...hesitant to meet the new Prime in town, to say the least. He didn't think he'd ever fully trust a Prime again. But the Optimus of his own world hadn't been so bad, so he figured that the new one warranted at least a face to face greeting.

He peered into the living room from the kitchen, bright blue glowing eyes curious.


protectorprime July 21 2010, 05:03:36 UTC
Optimus found himself unsurprised at Vector's presence, and not very shocked by his apparent position either. If he truly was one of them, of the Dynasty....the ones from which all of the rest of the Cybertronians had been created, he could understand it not having any bearing on where he chose to align himself in a war started by his descendants, regardless of how he or Sentinel chose to use the title.

His eyes left Vector and fell to the other new entrant. Optimus immediately recognized her - she had left something of an impression. He still had no idea exactly who she was though.

"I don't think you and I were properly introduced before." He said, standing at eye level with Blackarachnia.


theprimerprime July 21 2010, 12:04:50 UTC
Under normal circumstances, Sentinel would have debated the point of Vector's allegiance with him further, but Blackarachnia's arrival distracted him instantly. He'd more or less gotten used to her tendency to strut around half-clothed, but the way she was looking at Optimus...no, that could not be allowed.

He got to his feet when Optimus did, went to Blackarachnia's side and slipped a possessive arm around her waist. He wasn't normally comfortable displaying his affection for the former Decepticon so overtly, but she needed a reminder of who she was supposed to be with, and Optimus needed to know his place. His world's Optimus might have had some kind of a relationship with her, but he'd be slagged before this one would.

"This is Blackarachnia," he interjected. "She's..." He started the sentence, then trailed off awkwardly as he realized he had absolutely no idea what she was, having denounced both factions. Or, for that matter, what she was to him.


borrowyourpower July 21 2010, 13:33:59 UTC
A slow grin spread itself across the femme's face as Optimus addressed her. That grin however vanished just as quickly as it appeared. Her normal pair of eyes rolled as she turned her head to look at Sentinel. The look she gave him said that his actions were unnecessary and a soft hiss slipped through her teeth.

However the grin returned as she turned back to the other Prime. Her mood seemed to switch quickly as she pushed herself back against Sentinel. "I've chosen to stop caring about the silly factions. It's all pointless in this world anyway."


spacetimeprime July 21 2010, 15:11:18 UTC

Vector took another sip of his coffee, noting Sentinel's...possession of Blackarachnia. Perhaps it would be unnecessary; he rather doubted such would be in contest.

Blurr's presence caught him a bit more by surprise; he hadn't noticed the other enter the kitchen. He veiled it quickly. "Coffee?" he asked, nodding towards the still quite full pot.


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