
Jan 16, 2009 14:33

WHO: Moon Knight, Teen Titans, X-Force, Captain America(?), Door & Truth, The Crow, Brucolac(?)
WHERE: Silent Hill-esque alleyway. Titans and Truth on West side, X-Force on East side. MK situated on the roof. Crow is right below P-Head in the middle, with a severed arm. :|
WHEN: 16th of January, afternoon-ish.
WARNINGS: Pyramid Head. Creepiness.
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† sam guthrie | cannonball, † n/a | the brucolac, *abandoned, † door portico | portal, † n/a | shatterstar, † phoenix wright | truth, † pyramid head | n/a, † eric draven | the crow, † tabitha smith | boom boom, † cassie lang | stature, † n/a | domino, † bart allen | impulse, tim drake | robin iii, † marc spector | moon knight, cassandra cain | black bat, † conner kent | superboy, † steve rogers | captain america, † julio esteban richter | rictor

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123youreit January 16 2009, 23:01:00 UTC
Tim disliked having Moon Knight giving the orders, especially with his rough use of language. It was inefficient and spoilt the sense of authority a little, not to mention putting people's backs up. But for now, it was better to let him take the position than to cause unnecessary conflict by calling his leadership into question. It would just be good to remember these things for future team endeavours.

"Alright Titans, you heard him. Superboy and Impulse, you're the first wave - Impulse, get Crow out whilst Superboy keeps him busy. Stature, back them up. Batgirl and I will be right behind you." With his shoulder injured, he couldn't get as involved as he'd have preferred, so he had to stay towards the back and provide tactical advice and orders. Batgirl would be the most use once she'd had a chance to get a read on Pyramid Head's combat abilities watching the others - for now, sending in Superboy as a heavy hitter and Impulse to get to Eric was the best idea. "Titans, together!"


gonnabeflash January 16 2009, 23:47:48 UTC
Bart had planned on doing so and had already started the motion towards - Crow? Yeah, that's what Tim had called him. He could bring him out quicker and Kon was a bigger hitter so it was obviously a good option even from his point of view. What was a little less logical was the fact he had been ordered to get the arm out of there, too. It was severed. Ugh, healing factor probably - yeah, most probably since Crow was still conscious. Freaky. Less freaky than the Pyramid guy, but stillHe ran to the man lying on the ground and used the momentum of the run to get him on his back before grabbing the arm and efficiently putting blood all over his costume. He didn't have any super-strength, something people tended to forget and they assumed he could just run around with people on his shoulders. However, the momentum of high speed gave him the strength needed ( ... )


insilencespeak January 16 2009, 23:57:14 UTC
Lingering behind with Robin, for now, Batgirl's eyes were already glued to the fight. Though she hoped to get involved in the fight soon, she too agreed with Robin's battle plan and didn't have a problem with her current position. She stood a little in front of Robin, not that he needed it; it was more acknowledgment that he was injured and not 100%, and if they got into anything, she'd try to be first. No protection needed, though. The two of them rarely did that kind of thing for each other, even when there was actual saving involved.


kryptoniankid January 17 2009, 00:22:59 UTC
As soon as Tim gave the okay to let loose, Kon charged head first toward Pyramid head. It had been forever since he had been able to actually fight that Kon was actually excited to kick some ass.

Kon wasn't a man of strategy (that was Robin's job) so his first move was to break the stupid hat, mask, the pyramid thing on his head. He repeatedly allowed his fists to hit PH full force expecting the pyramid on its head to crack or at least dent but it didn't.

"What the..." Kon felt uneasy, as if there was something wrong with the entire situation.


brokenrhymes January 17 2009, 01:19:35 UTC
((ooc: *bounces around*? Carry on.))

Eric was distinctly present and in the now, fully aware that he had lost an arm, and yet having trouble being to upset about it. He was too focused on the vision he'd seen in the foggy, warped sphere around Pyramid Head, trying to decide whether it would be better to assume it wasn't real or to try and pursue it.

Not that he was going to be doing too much pursuing at the moment. The people in the ambulances seemed nervous to the point of abject terror, but they at least attempted to follow Bart's order to reattach his arm. They held it against his bleeding stump, and, slowly but surely, it began to reconnect itself. The paramedic seemed hard pressed to stay where he was, holding his arm on until the connection could support itself. It probably wouldn't be very useful for some time, but at least it wasn't a lost cause.

Eric smiled. Blood-spattered, missing an arm, just having seen a vision of his dead fiance--there wasn't too much to smile about. Then again, he had lost alot of blood, even for a ( ... )


guiltmetaphor January 17 2009, 01:41:39 UTC
Pyramid Head was not used to these supernatural beings. These disgusting, filthy beings. These guilty beings.

As the boy landed blows on his unbreakable helmet, the monster stood still, receiving them like he was a punching bag. When the kid finally took notice they were having no effect, the seven-feet-tall thing seized his pause to take his turn.

Too fast for normal eyes to catch on, Pyramid Head grabbed Kon's face, wrapping his fingers around his head like you would with an orange you're about to squish between your fingers. He squeezed tight and slammed him down on the floor, with such terrifying calm, that he seemed to be playing. He pulled himself up and brought up the knife, the tip pointing down to Kon's face.

And then he brought it down for this guilty soul's punishment.


kryptoniankid January 17 2009, 01:59:10 UTC
Pyramid Head's strength and speed caught Kon by surprise. He was slammed so hard on the ground it knocked the wind from his lungs. There was a sudden surge of fear, he had to break out of Pyramid Head's grip fast.

Kon took hold of the hand holding his head and used his strength and his tactile telekinesis to pull himself away from the hold. Everything now felt like it was moving in slow motion, or rather he was moving in slow motion and couldn't move away fast enough to avoid the knife.

It all happened so fast that he didn't feel the blade as it slashed across his chest.


guiltmetaphor January 17 2009, 02:08:04 UTC
Feeling the rusty knife slide in Kon's chest like a hot knife against butter was almost enough to arouse the disturbing monster. The strength this creature had was enough for a dull blade like the one he wielded cut through flesh and bone. Certainly it was something. Justice was being served. Cold and heartlessly.

Pyramid Head put his left foot on Kon's shoulder slowly. He gripped the handle with his left foot and the muscles of his arms clenched. Pushing down the dirty boot on the boy's shoulder, he crushed it as he pulled out the knife. Kon could feel his own muscles clenching around the blade, sucking it in, but the monster's strength overruled the body as he pulled it out and blood began to gush everywhere.

With the same apathetic posture, Pyramid Head began to prepare the second, deadliest blow he was going to deliver to the Kon's neck.


123youreit January 17 2009, 02:42:46 UTC
Tim watched the fight carefully - and felt his stomach tie itself into a cold knot as Kon was smashed into the ground and stabbed. He knew what was coming next, the killing blow, and Kon looked in no shape to avoid it. He'd made a mistake, sending Kon in against something supernatural and that powerful, though he hadn't had much choice of heavy hitters to lead the assault and Kon had been eager to get into the thick of things again - still, he should have known, should have made a different choice, found someone else.

But he hadn't, and now Kon was lying there with a gaping stab wound, about to receive another.

There wasn't even time to say anything - he just reacted, moving like lightning to reach Kon and pull him out of the way of the monster. Pain surged through his still-healing shoulder but he ignored it, gritting his teeth and grunting as he carried Kon towards the ambulances, away from the alley and everyone else. He was reasonably strong, but Kon was heavy - he knew he had to keep his momentum going if he was going to make ( ... )


gonnabeflash January 17 2009, 17:55:45 UTC
Bart wasn't the type of person that followed anything closely. He could stay concentrated on a video game long enough but would still be distracted by everything and anything.

Basically, he was looking Moon Knight suspiciously and trying to understand why X-Force wasn't getting involved already as well as deciding when and where he was supposed to butt in when the Pyramid guy had hit Kon. Tim was there before him - Tim with superspeed and still his awesome reflexes and decision making skills was really something - and had gotten Kon out of there.

He must have opened up a wound or two in the process (Ugh! Tim was always hurt) but Bart knew he wouldn't stop running until he reached his destination. He had instinctively followed Tim when he had left with Kon and reached the medics, once again, shortly after him. He was still giving out tactical advices on his comm and Bart took a look at Kon more closely and shit that look. Woah. Pretty bad ( ... )


123youreit January 17 2009, 19:29:48 UTC
Tim glanced up, and - of course Bart was there. He should really stay with the others, he was useful in a fight and they needed the help. But...

He looked down at Kon again, at the bloody, ragged hole in his chest. Bart couldn't take as much damage as Kon could, usually he could dodge it but Pyramid Head's movements were difficult to predict and react to, even with superspeed. And Bart was still young, capable but less experienced than he would be as Kid Flash, less cautious about his own well-being. Tim couldn't send him back out there, especially not when their friend was lying here, bleeding and broken.

"Okay." Was all he said, voice tight with repressed emotions and concern.


guiltmetaphor January 23 2009, 13:45:20 UTC
(( I'm...confused. Is it my turn, or...? D: ))


deadmanbrucolac January 17 2009, 03:05:52 UTC
A figure standing behind the paramedic steps forward, as if from shadow into light, and looks down at Eric. He looks like a pale young man with intense, intelligent eyes for half a moment, and then a long forked tongue slides through his lips and tastes the air in Eric's direction.

"Yes. That is certainly true, Deadman."

The paramedic shoots an unsettled glance over his shoulder, then shakes his head and keeps working. Job to do.


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