
Jun 07, 2010 22:01

WHERE: Nominally Los Angeles, but with teleporters and the refugee camps involved, who even knows?
WHEN: From June 5th on!
SUMMARY: People... who evacuate people... are the luckiest people... in the world.

now let me welcome everybody to the wild, wild west )

† madelyne pryor | goblin queen, † jonah matsuka | n/a, † raven roth | desdemona, † helena kyle | huntress, † dr. pieter cross | dr. mid-nite, † gar logan | beast boy, † janet pym | wasp, † ness | the boy wonder, angelica jones | firestar, † link | hero of winds, † connor hawke | green arrow ii, terra | esper terra, † yusuke urameshi | n/a, zelgadis | greywords, kurt wagner | nightcrawler, dick grayson | batman, n/a | the midnighter, † kitty pryde | shadowcat, charlie gage-radcliffe | misfit, wade wilson | deadpool, † hank pym | the wasp, *open, † sam guthrie | cannonball, † bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, † jan valentine | n/a, scathach | the shadow, † mary batson | mary marvel, † eddie bloomberg | red devil, † lamont cranston | the shadow, † kuwabara kazuma | n/a, *in progress, donna troy | n/a, † amara aquilla | magma, † schrodinger | the messenger, damian wayne | robin, † shirosaki hichigo | n/a, matt murdock | daredevil, † arnold rimmer | ace rimmer, † jack hammer | weasel, may parker | spider-girl, † safeguard | n/a, † tiana | n/a, jack bauer | man of the hour, lyra silvertongue | lizzie brooks, geddoe | raijin, † hiei | n/a, † sooraya qadir | dust, † warren worthington iii | archangel, santo vaccarro | rockslide, tony stark | iron man, pietro maximoff | quicksilver, † koriand'r | starfire, † alex summers | havok, cassandra cain | black bat, † jean grey | phoenix, † joseph wilson | jericho, † mew | n/a, robert reynolds | the sentry/the void, † juston seyfert | n/a, † illyana rasputin | magik, † danielle moonstar | mirage, † sally blevins | skids, † roberto dacosta | sunspot, † michael jon carter | booster gold, † fakir | n/a, † ken ichijouji | the digimon kaiser, † scott summers | cyclops, jaime reyes | blue beetle, keith anyan | n/a, † anya corazon | araña, † josh newman | n/a, † mara jade | n/a, † gertrude yorkes | arsenic, soldier blue | n/a, † hartley rathaway | piper, † salaak | clarissi, † ichigo kurosaki | n/a, jason todd | red hood

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ctu_savior June 8 2010, 04:59:42 UTC
Jack did as he was asked, looking incredulous. "You're with the X-Men?" If this was an ordinary situation he would have pressed the issue, but the fact was that he had been an ImPort long enough that a teenager going into an urban battlefield in a niqab unarmed wasn't even among the top ten most bizarre things he'd seen recently. So instead he just lowered his rifle and went with it- there was no time for anything else. "Jack Bauer, City police department, I'm currently aiding the government. I-"

Suddenly a voice boomed out over a loudspeaker from somewhere off to the right; maybe a block away in Jack's estimation. "Return to your homes, assholes! There's nowhere to go! The government and their freak buddies are not gonna help you! So do as you're told, turn the fuck around, and sit tight before you get hurt! None of you are going anywhere!" The announcement was punctuated by a long burst of automatic weapons fire.

Jack turned to Dust. "I'm gonna go check that out and shut them down. If you want to come with me, I'd appreciate the backup." He had to assume that despite her apparent age and lack of equipment, Dust was more formidable than she appeared. Besides, her voice sounded familiar somehow...


sable_cloak June 8 2010, 05:06:13 UTC
The source of the loudspeaker wasn't far off, The Shadow allowing a glance in the direction before returning his attention to the pair on the field. In their current location out in the open, they were easy targets for snipers should there be any. If they moved, he would follow from a distance. If assistance was needed, he would provide it.


fromyourbones June 8 2010, 05:27:48 UTC
"Of course I will."

As she lowered her arms, Sooraya immediately let the fingertips of her right hand start to disintegrate into the living silicon particles she referred to as sand--it was useless, but reassuring, especially as she was about to walk into certain danger. But she was, after all, an X-Man. Risking their lives to protect those of others was what they did, and it was something she had become accustomed to over the last two years.

Lifting what remained of her palm in his direction, Dust nodded, then started walking in the direction of the loudspeaker. She assumed he would follow.

"That is my power," Sooraya added, by way of explanation. "I would not want you to be shocked."


ctu_savior June 8 2010, 11:09:29 UTC
Jack was in fact shocked to see someone transforming themselves into sand right in front of him, but there was no time to let it slow him down. Instead he said "Got it, thanks," raised his rifle, and trotted on ahead, taking point as they moved off the field and began to cross the street. In the background, the HIVE's minions continued to roar their threats. "Okay, first we find some cover, we're too exposed out here. Then we need a visual on wherever- DOWN!"

Jack hurled himself behind a parked SUV as bullets began digging holes in the pavement near his feet. Judging by the volume of fire and the sound of the gunshots, he guessed there might be two shooters with AK-47s firing from an elevated position, but the rounds slamming into the car made it impossible for him to look for them. "Dust, do you see them?" He shouted.


sable_cloak June 8 2010, 13:26:14 UTC
The attack concentrating on the SUV, The Shadow broke into a run as he ducked between points of cover, heading for the source of the rapid gunfire. His actions were heedless of whether the two pinned people could see his motions toward the location, his focus was to take down the sniper position without betraying his advance to them alone. One way or another, he would climb to the rooftop and stop the rain of lead.


fromyourbones June 9 2010, 03:05:45 UTC
She ducked for cover behind the same SUV automatically, instinct winning out over any other impulses, but after the first few rounds of bullets (and Jack Bauer's shouted request), she overcame the impulse with a slight, private scowl. Instantaneously, a sand cloud pretty much... whooshed out of her sleeves and the opening of her niqab, leaving her clothing to flop lifelessly to the ground. Subtlety didn't really have a point in this situation, she reasoned, as she peered over the top of the car at the people currently firing on them.

There were, indeed, two HIVE thugs on the other side, and they couldn't have noticed anything too out of the ordinary--there was always kicked-up dust around a baseball field, and they were too far away to notice the vague suggestion of a face in the sand. Returning to the ground and her clothes as quickly as she had gone, she nodded, then spoke.

"There are two."


ctu_savior June 9 2010, 04:24:16 UTC
"Got it." Jack popped up from behind the SUV, raised the rifle scope to his eye,, and prepared to fire, only to stop when he saw a dark figure climbing unnoticed towards the shooters. Hoping that whoever it was wasn't hostile, Jack started giving him cover fire, managing to get off three bursts before the bullets whizzing by his head started getting too close and he had to drop back behind the vehicle. He was suddenly struck by how surreal this was- a full-out gun battle right next to an American baseball field, with refugees a block away. This can't be happening, he thought, not in America. This isn't LA, it's more like Sangela. And the chaos Jack had experienced in that African nation was not a pleasant memory. "There's someone else moving on their position," he told Dust, "I couldn't tell who it was."


sable_cloak June 9 2010, 06:08:26 UTC
The returned fire may have been a signal he'd been spotted by the pinned pair, but that wasn't his current concern. The brim of his hat poked over the ledge of the rooftop only enough to permit him to aim as one of his .45s was aimed at the snipers. The other hand remained anchored in place as it held him steadily to the side of the building, ready to keep him just below the level of the roof, and out of sight. Quickly, he squeezed off four shots, each lead messenger aimed for the dark hearts and evil minds of the men on the rooftop.


fromyourbones June 10 2010, 00:37:18 UTC
She slid around to the other side of the car just in time to see the bullets from that "someone else" connect with the bodies of the HIVE mercenaries, who seemed to scream almost as much in surprise as in pain--at least the one who wasn't shot in the head. The latter hit the ground like a puppet with its strings cut, but the first one went more slowly, his body almost crumpling around itself as he fell to his knees.

Sooraya had stared death in the face enough times in the past to know its approach when she saw it, and she knew it was here now, but she was too busy to feel sick or guilty for the loss of life. There was too much around her, too many important things to pay attention to, to give thought to the familiar revulsion, so Dust did what she always did--swallowed it down in silence to save it for later. She changed position from her knees to a crouch; standing upright would have to wait until she knew whoever had fired was trustworthy.


ctu_savior June 10 2010, 01:11:12 UTC
By this time Jack was so used to death that the demise of the HIVE's gunmen registered as nothing to him except the elimination of an obstacle. He was having more trouble with Dust's method of reconnaissance, and even that had been too useful to mind. He was completely and unreservedly focused on the mission. "We're clear, let's move!" He yelled, tossing a wave of gratitude to the unknown but very welcome shooter before emerging from behind the SUV and sprinting towards the loudspeaker.

Skidding to a halt behind another parked car, he looked through the scope again and evaluated the situation. The intersection up ahead of them was blocked by an unmarked black van and a pickup truck, and the street beyond was jammed with stalled cars and cowering pedestrians- citizens trying to escape being used as human shields by the HIVE.

The armed men manning the blockade, faceless and sinister beneath balaclavas, gas masks, and motorcycle helmets, had other ideas. "AM I FUCKING STUTTERING?" Screamed the man with the loudspeaker, standing atop of the pickup truck. "Which part of 'turn around' don't you dumbasses get? There's nobody coming to save you! The Army is getting its ass kicked and we are going to massacre their pet costumed weirdos! Just give up!" One bold soul in a store clerk's uniform responded to this by flipping the bird to the entire blockade and striding forward. Perhaps he thought the HIVE was bluffing. If that was the case then he was fatally mistaken, for the announcer raised a machine pistol and riddled him with bullets. Screams filled the air as the citizen's body hit the ground and the other refugees shrank back. "ANYONE ELSE THINK THEY'RE A HERO?" Roared the murderer.

Disgusted, Jack turned to Dust. "We've gotta clear that roadblock."


sable_cloak June 10 2010, 02:06:52 UTC
Now that the rooftop was clear, The Shadow had a body, a new weapon, and any supplies left on the body that remained on the roof. Quickly he picked up the gun, taking the spare ammunition and stashing it as he followed Jack and Dust's progress, providing cover over the remaining rooftops and what he could of the streets. From his new vantage point, he could see the blockade, and hear the loudspeaker clearly.

Only a moment after the murderer finished his proclamation, an eerie, echoing sound of challenging mirth echoed its way to the blockade, starting softly, and reaching a crescendo as it pealed off the buildings. It was a sound designed to confuse and intimidate any opponent who heard it, its reverberating nature making it difficult to pinpoint the source of the sound.

"THE CHALLENGE IS ACCEPTED!" The voice sounded as if it came from the rooftops, but which one would be difficult to determine for at least a short time.


fromyourbones June 11 2010, 02:40:45 UTC
She clenched her fists unconsciously as she watched the violence from through the windows of the same car, then attempted to identify the source of the voice in vain. Whoever the mysterious person challenging the HIVE goons was, whether or not they were trusthworthy, remained to be seen--even if they were, relying on them alone would be nothing but stupid. There were two things which Sooraya had absolute faith in in this situation and one, she knew, was available right here and right now.

"Let me go first," she said, and before he could actually respond, she was already off, wafting through the air in the direction of the roadblock. She did not want to do this, she did not like to do this, but there was only so much she could just watch.

The man with the loudspeaker was the obvious target, but she was still reluctant to kill anyone directly; he did, however, need to be disarmed. She could jam the guns, of course, but that required trapping pieces of her body in AK-47s, and it would only be a temporary measure--the HIVE would doubtless have more weapons available. She need a more permanent solution, and if he was going to use his trigger finger like this... it was a horrible thought, she knew, but perhaps he could get by without it.

A visible sandcloud rolled into the are of the roadblock, a sharp (and extremely obscene) cry rang out as the man with the loudspeaker learned just how painful it was to instantly have all the flesh stripped from his good hand, shots were fired blindly into the dust, and then she was gone as soon as she had come--behind a different car, this time. She would not want to lead them to Jack.


ctu_savior June 11 2010, 10:43:11 UTC
Good thinking, thought Jack. Clearly the X-men had been better trained in tactical matters than he would have expected. Dust's move not only obscured the enemy's line of sight and distracted them from the civilians, but the panicked firing it caused also gave Jack easy targets. He picked out the muzzle flashes within the dust and opened up, firing single shots to minimize the risk of misses hitting civilians. Two hostiles hit the ground with Jack's bullets in their chests. Jack kept shooting, ignoring the wild return fire coming towards him. The priority right now was to neutralize the threats before they could cause any more noncombatant casualties. Jack's own safety was a secondary consideration.

The side door of the black van slid open and two more gunmen hopped out, faceless behind goggles and bandannas. Jack dropped one right away, but the other hurled a grenade that bounced to a stop right in front of the car Jack was using for cover. Jack sprinted away to the other side of the street as the car exploded behind him. He winced and gritted his teeth as he felt a razor sliver of red-hot shrapnel slice into his leg, which was followed a second later by the feeling of a sledgehammer smashing into his back as one of the shooters nailed him as he ran. The wind went right out of him, but his armor stopped the bullet from entering his body. Jack knelt behind a lamppost, gunned down the man who'd thrown the grenade, and then, ignoring the pain in his leg and back, started advancing on the blockade, moving closer to the enemy, shooting all the while. They had to keep up the pressure.


sable_cloak June 12 2010, 02:34:33 UTC
When the firing started, The Shadow took aim with his borrowed weapon, looking for the armed men that remained after the inexplicable dust cloud seemed to cause them to react. Suddenly the radio that had been on the body crackled to life.

"Snipers! Snipers! Where the hell are you?!" A man fled across the road, narrowly avoiding a grenade blast, and then dropping. The Shadow sought out the source of that lead and gave the trigger a confident squeeze, taking him down. He returned his aim to the remaining foes, using muzzle flashes to help coordinate his attacks as he aimed at those who offered the greatest threat to the civilians.

"Snipers! Hold Fire! Hold Fire!" A sibilant laugh escaped The Shadow's lips as he took down another H.I.V.E. member, and heard them shouting over the radio at their dead comrades.


USING THIS ICON FOREVER fromyourbones June 15 2010, 01:49:44 UTC
Quickly diving back into the fray--or wafting, or whatever the correct term was--Sooraya continued to disable the men with guns, literally sanding the flesh from their extremities in order to keep them from hurting anyone else. Their screams of pain were both disturbing and effective, making them better targets for anyone who might want to pick them off. The thought was unsettling, as it always was when action like this became necessary, but there was another constant to the violence--the guilt and disgust dulled with repetition. It was... not fortunate, but useful.


ctu_savior June 16 2010, 00:58:36 UTC
Between his fire, the Shadow's sniping, and Sooraya's power sanding, by the time Jack got to the blockade all the hostiles were down. He hopped into the pickup truck, its keys conveniently inside, started it up, and rolled it out of the way of the refugees. He then got out and took up the loudspeaker. "THE AREA IS SECURE!" He announced. A few civilians cheered, but most of them just got moving on their way out of LA. Jack continued yelling, belting out the locations of evac points where they would be safe and routes they could take to get there. "THE GOVERNMENT AND THE IMPORTS ARE HERE! WE WILL PROTECT YOU! I PROMISE."

"Fucking..." The former owner of the loudspeaker whose hand had been mutilated by Dust suddenly leapt up from his fetal position on the back of the truck and tackled Jack. Surprised, the agent went down as he felt the masked man's remaining hand go around his throat. "We've had a good thing here for years... you think you can just come in here and take it all away?" Spittle flew from the enraged criminal's mouth. "You think- urk!" Suddenly Jack's knife was sticking out of the side of his neck, and that was that.

Jack didn't even blink as he pushed the body off him, got back up, and picked up the loudspeaker again. "KEEP MOVING! YOU WILL BE SAFE!" And he meant it.


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