"I'm a genius, but I'm a misunderstood genius"

May 31, 2010 20:21

WHO: Calvin and Roberto
WHERE: Xavier's
WHEN: Monday afternoon, after school's out.
SUMMARY: Calvin thinks he's cleverer than he actually is. Par for the course.
FORMAT: Quick.

There were certain hazards to spending a year being raised by an attorney like Harvey Dent, hazards that had nothing to do with irate mob members. Rather, they stemmed from a situation where an imaginative and creative six-year-old, one whose biological father was a patent attorney in the first place, was surrounded by the law all the time at home. It carried the risk of said six-year-old getting it into his head that he was capable of identifying and exploiting loopholes.

School, for instance. Calvin was well aware that detention, being forced to stay after class, was a common punishment that he faced for his... 'exuberance'. But, he thought to himself, school's almost out! In only a few more days it will be summer, and they can't keep me in detention during summer, can they! That means I might as well be a diplomat right now! Hahahahaha, I'm invincible! Complete legal impunity! Total absence of consequence! They can't touch me!

Calvin had taken this line of thought to its logical conclusion, mixed it with the desire to end the school year and start summer with a proverbial bang, and then run off to find the largest, sturdiest balloon possible and fill it with water to the bursting point. He was now hovering over Xavier's in his Stupendous Man costume with an enormous orb of rubberized hydro-ordnance dangling precariously from his hands, dripping water as it swayed back and forth. "Only question now," he said to himself, "is where's the best place to drop it? Maybe I should try to get inside and splash it there!" These decisions were important.

† roberto dacosta | sunspot, calvin | stupendous man

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