But now you're hard not to notice, right here in my town

May 31, 2010 00:06

WHO: Joey and Mary
WHERE: Mary and Kitty's Apartment
WHEN: Friday Afternoon, June 4th
WARNINGS: derp and awkwardness
SUMMARY: Joey tries to convince Mary that he's not a creepy deviant.
FORMAT: Paratastic!

Joey shifted the bundle of flowers and the envelope in his hands, still eyeing up the daffodils and hyacinth as i uncertain about them. Maybe adding the flowers was laying it on too thick? But the letter alone seemed so plain and maybe she would just ignore it by itself?

He'd been standing outside the door to Mary and Kitty's apartment for ten minutes now mulling this over, after spending an hour on the note and another hour grumbling to himself in the flower shop, all of which was nothing compared to the mortified face-down-in-pillow brooding time he'd taken to himself for most of Thursday night and all of Friday morning.

Since the 'incident' at the club on Thursday he'd been up to his neck in embarassment and awkward explainations. First to Raven, then to Donna and Kory and then oh GOD there had been Mary and their completely awkward exchange; him on stage half-covered in green paint and her rather tipsy and clearly completely gobsmacked at seeing him there.

Her confusion and instinctive distaste had been all over her face and all he could think of was that he had torn all his clothes off and dropped himself in front of this sweet and proper lady like a complete idiot. He couldn't imagine what she must think of him now, how her understanding of the job he'd taken on had probably completely recoloured her idea of him and of their time together...

Joey had NEEDED to write something to try to explain himself. Handing it to her though, that was another matter entirely. He wasn't sure he could FACE her right now without wanting to be swallowed up by the earth. Raven and Donna and Kory he had long friendships with. They had been - were - his teammates and he had a solid repoir with them. They knew him well enough to shrug off the job as just a job.

Mary was still new to him, Mary didn't know him well enough to just brush this discovery off. And his gut twisted up at the thought of their friendship slipping through his grasp over this kind of misunderstanding.

Maybe if he just...

Setting the flowers and the envelope with the letter down on the welcome mat he rang the buzzer outside the apartment, then dashed off down the hall, hiding around the corner by the bank of elevators. He wouldn't leave totally, he wanted to make sure she actually GOT the letter and not Kitty or something, but peeking around the corner was about all he could handle.

† joseph wilson | jericho, † mary batson | mary marvel

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