[ a dream is a wish your heart makes ] [ closed log ]

May 29, 2010 18:06

WHO: behisgirlfriday and iron_fister
WHERE: Pepper's itty bitty apartment
WHEN: Saturday night
WARNINGS: baww, discussion of miscarriage
SUMMARY: Danny Rand buys a pregnancy test.

Pepper manhandled her hair up into a ponytail, leaning into the bathroom counter. The edge of the tile cut into her palms a little, and she focused on that---that, instead of the nausea. That, instead of her reflection.

She was a mess. The week hadn't been kind to her. Between the increase in work---but she'd asked for that; she'd told Tony to give her more things to shoulder while the City needed Iron Man---and the flu, her ability to take care of herself had broken down. Pepper looked ghostly even to herself, ever freckle standing out like a deliberate ink dot.

She poured herself a glass of water from the tap, scrunching her eyes shut. Everything would have been a little bit easier to handle if she could just get her body under control. It felt like a traitor to her, a dissenter in the ranks now that she needed it the most.

Fanning a hand over her stomach, she groaned.

The last time she'd felt this bad, it'd been anything but the flu.

But that...she lidded the thought, packed it tight, and set it away. Not possible. Off the table. Completely ruled out.

Pepper reached for the phone. Nothing could be completely ruled out, but this would be the easiest one to test. If she had to get the doctors or Tony involved, she wanted to be able to say that this was off the list of possibilities.

† pepper potts | n/a, † daniel rand | iron fist

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