Oh I cut his hair myself one night

May 27, 2010 21:15

WHO: darkprophecies and make_contact
WHERE: The living room in Raven's house
WHEN: Friday afternoon, the 28th
WARNINGS: Drama, action, haircuts!
SUMMARY: Joey makes a drastic decision and get Raven to help him with it.
FORMAT: Paratastic

A pair of dull scissors and the yellow light / And he told me that I'd done alright... )

† raven roth | desdemona, † joseph wilson | jericho

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darkprophecies May 28 2010, 01:32:35 UTC
He didn't seem to be in pain, or anguish... just that something was bothering him, and that was enough to make her completely forget about what Luke and Lorelai were arguing about this time around, and turn her body to face him completely.

Five seconds later she even had the television turned off.

"Of course, Joseph. Anything at all."


make_contact May 28 2010, 01:41:13 UTC
Cut my hair for me? Before I chicken out again?

Of all the things to be such a sissy about. If Slade were here he would have smacked him, or at least given him incredibly dissaproving looks.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 01:42:43 UTC
Yes, well, Slade probably needed a few hours in the sun based off of the costume he wore all the time, so he wouldn't have been one to talk about anything.

Raven looked shocked.

"... cut your--- are you sure?"


make_contact May 28 2010, 01:59:47 UTC
Decided to do it then bailed three times already. Don't listen to me if I say no.

He ran a hand back through the thick curls, then sighed heavily and nodded.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 02:08:44 UTC
"... alright. Come with me..."

Raven had practice in the art of hair cutting. She wasn't a stylist, she had no professional abilities, however she had cut her own hair since childhood. She knew how to keep a cut straight, at least.

She slowly stood, and made her way into the kitchen. She wouldn't have this on her carpets, thank you.


make_contact May 28 2010, 02:54:45 UTC
Joey followed her along, shuffling into the kitchen, both hands in his pockets and trying to banish the tension from his face. It would look fine.



What the hell was he doing?

But he sat down on a chair anyway.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 02:59:30 UTC
"This will be strange," she laughed a bit, a nervous spark in her tone, although that could have just been what she had picked up from him instead.

"I technically wasn't the one who cut your hair in the time I'm from, but... you do look nice with short hair." she was trying so hard to make him feel comfortable, she really was. "... so you have nothing to worry about. Stay right there, I'll go fetch what I need from the bathroom."


make_contact May 28 2010, 03:06:45 UTC
He raised a brow at that, but gave her a soft smile, feeling a little bit better at being told she thought he'd looked nice with shorter hair. He hadn't had a close-cropped cut since gradeschool. To think about doing more than trimming it ... well it was going to be immensely strange.

He nods for her to get what she needs, playing with the ends of his hair nervously.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 03:14:33 UTC
Give her about ten seconds to poof out, gather what she needed, and poof back...

She set the pair of scissors and comb down on the counter beside him, just to have them within his reach. "I should probably cut it dry, since it's so curly... I wouldn't want to cut it a certain length, then have it curl further when dry and it end up looking nothing like I planned."

Raven had been talking to herself more than Joey there, and without much thought, ran her fingertips through his curls. ... that was for nostalgia. There had been many times in their short time together after resurrecting him that she'd missed those adorable curls. But... he'd probably be better off in the work field with shorter hair, and also with fitting in better. It was ultimately his choice, and she'd respect and assist in it.

"... last chance to back out of this, Joseph. Otherwise I'll make you sit until I'm done."


make_contact May 28 2010, 03:41:37 UTC
He leaned into her hand. Then she asked if he was sure and his lip actually trembled for a second, then he gave himself a mental slap and her a thumbs up to go ahead.

At that point he just shut his eyes, crossed his arms and sat as still as possible.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 03:45:26 UTC
She actually didn't touch him further, instead headed over to the refrigerator to grab one of the beers on the door - they were Rimmer and Lister's, but... couldn't hurt this situation, right?
She opened it, then came over and held it out for him.

"Drink. It might take the edge off of what I'm about to do to you." she gave him a pathetic little look, because seeing him so torn up over his pretty blond curls was killing her. One beer wouldn't get him buzzed enough to do very much, of course, but... it was the thought.


make_contact May 28 2010, 04:49:45 UTC
He cracked an eye open, looked at her, look at the beer, then took it from her, popped the top open and downed about a third of it in a few hurried swallows, setting it down on the table within easy reach before signing to her.

You think of everything, thanks.


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 05:04:12 UTC
"Not everything, but I've lived long enough to know how to convince a man to suck it up." she laughed out the words a bit, before stepping forward to actually go through with all this. She brushed her fingers through his curls a few more times to figure out where to start, and picked up the scissors in her other hand.

She didn't wait for him to react, although she did pause to remind herself not to cringe when she made the cut. That'd just be stupid.


And a rather large batch of curls fell to the floor.


make_contact May 28 2010, 05:50:15 UTC
The first 'snick' noise of the scissors makes him wince a little and he picks the beer back up and drinks a good chunk more, trying his best to stay still and let her work unhindered.

He would have to add this to the list he was rapidly forming of 'things to repay Raven for'.

A few more snips and he's still working on the beer, watching chunks of curl drift to the floor...


darkprophecies May 28 2010, 05:54:07 UTC
"Deep breaths, Joseph. It's only hair." she was trying so hard to not look amused, but... she couldn't help it. She knew how much Joey liked his hair, but still... it was almost endearing.

"Let me know if you'll need another one of those when it's gone."

More curls falling.


make_contact May 28 2010, 06:28:57 UTC
He will help himself to at least another TWO when this is done thanks, but for now he finishes off the first one and crosses his arms to let her work, trying not to look at how much hair had hit the floor.

Did he even HAVE that much hair? Maybe he should have been more specific about how close she should cut...


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