WHO: Keith Anyan (
motherloaded) and OPEN
WHERE: In the park and all around.
WHEN: Earlier today. Pretend it rained for a little bit, okay. Feel free to jump in at any point described in the opening.
WARNINGS: Linefaces.
SUMMARY: Keith goes out to buy a laptop. He does not count on the world outside the MAC being rainy, irrational, sticky, and just plain annoying.
FORMAT: Prose at first, whatever anyone else wants to go with after that.
Today had been a busy day for Keith Anyan. More precisely, it had been a busy day by the standards of his time in the City. By the standards of his time back home, it was nothing, and that was precisely why he'd gotten out to do things in the first place: to try to forget about how little he had to do here and how lost he was without Grandmother's orders. So he got up, took a large chunk of the money he had appropriated from Matsuka's pay, and set out to buy a laptop. It was a pretty good plan. However, there were some snags in it.
The first problem: After almost five weeks in this world, Keith still hadn't entirely mastered the concept of a place where weather patterns fluctuated easily over the course of a single day. He was used to spending his time on spaceships, after all. Unless it was already raining or looked like it was about to rain, it never occurred to him to take an umbrella outside with him. So for a while there, he wound up sitting on a park bench, being rained on. Just sitting there. Being rained on. He wore no expression while this was going on. None at all. He could have been a piece of modern art positioned on the bench, except those usually had more animation. He just dripped.
The second problem: After the rain stopped, Keith gave himself some time to dry out, then went to purchase himself something to eat, as it would be a while yet before he could expect Matsuka to return with lunch. Assuming that anything being sold for sustenance would be nutritious, he bought something called an ice cream sandwich. This eventually resulted in him sitting back down on the park bench, holding the ice cream sandwich in one hand as it slowly began to melt and drip onto his fingers and its wrapper in the other hand. He stared, unimpressed, at the nutritional values and list of ingredients. It was becoming clear to him that, left to its own devices, humanity would be hopelessly self-destructive even in its choice of food.
The third problem: Keith located an acceptable laptop that was on sale at electronics giant Perfect Purchase. Unfortunately, he then had to pay for it. This shouldn't have been a problem, except as he counted out the bills, they kept getting stuck to his ice-cream-smeared hand, and he was starting to hold up the line. And who paid for a laptop in cash, anyway? He was also starting to get suspicious looks.
The fourth problem: There was no fourth problem. Not really. Except that as he walked back to the MAC with the laptop's box tucked effortlessly under one arm, a frown was starting to tug at the corners of his mouth after the exasperating events of the day.