soundbytes from the evening news;

Jun 19, 2009 16:34

[ooc; These broadcasts have been written not by me, but by the wonderful journalism-tastic Billy and Andrew Ryan player, riko .  These are not posted from GLaDOS's account (since it's her plot, I figured it would make better sense to come from her lj), but instead are excerpts from two of the daily newscasts.  They are being forward dated a few hours to provide context.]

six o'clock broadcast;
A string of major car accident across the City left one dead and four injured today, in the City's third city-wide electronic malfunction this week.

Individuals at the scene of these accidents say that throughout the morning traffic lights at a few of the cities busiest intersections began to cycle rapidly. Fire department sources report that all three accidents were caused by an unknown malfunction, though the precise cause of the malfunction has not been found.

Today's accidents follow a number of similar electronic failures that have plagued the city in the wake of Tuesday's black-out. On Thursday, an electronic glitch in elevators led to many injuries and one death as elevators in high-rises across the City froze and then plummeted several stories before the problem was resolved.

The mayor's office declined to comment on whether workers are looking for a connection to the black-out or other recent accidents. At the moment, their focus is on finding the malfunction that caused the accidents here today to make sure they do not happen again.

But as John Petrovic, whose daughter Marija died in the accident at Indigot Street and 7th Avenue today, told me only moments ago, fixing the problem now won't help those who died today or their families. For many in the City, the question is not how did this happen but why wasn't the problem found earlier. And where were all the "heroes" when we needed them today.

Sophia Pallot, CityTV News.

ten o'clock broadcast;
...which researchers hope will lead to happier ducks in the future.

And on the heels of this morning's motor vehicle deaths, another wave of traffic light malfunctions hit the City at six thirty, just at the peak of rush hour. The malfunctions affected affected nearly thirty intersections in a four block radius around StarkTech headquarters. Thirteen more were injured, bringing today's total to seventeen. Two more deaths have been reported at this time.

StarkTech could not be reached for comment, but officials at Public Works say that there is currently no reason to suspect that the company is in anyway related to the malfunctions.

The stock-market rebounded slightly today amongst predictions that the housing sector...

[ooc2; GLaDOS's campaign to make the heroes sorry for Tuesday's brownout continues.  This time, she has enlisted the help of Satsuki to help her, and has increased the body count as well as abandoned any attempt at disguising her manipulations as accidental.  If you are looking to investigate, please go to the plot post for more information and comment in the Investigation thread.]

† glados | n/a

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