"What joy can we find in the expectation of nothing but hopeless misery?"

Jun 10, 2009 10:43

[His comm clicks on for the first time in nearly a week; it delivers one-second bursts of static every now and then, but otherwise, it seems to be fine.]

[There is the sound of very heavy breathing and of immense amounts of water splashing to the earth; he speaks slowly and has trouble with the little English left to him.]

...H o m e.

Am go.

[A rumble.]


[He sounds determined, as though the failure to find Monster Island wouldn't stop him; he was the King, after all. He always found a way to survive.]

Livvve. Here.

Maybe... good. Help... hu-mans.

[The Great King pauses for a moment; anyone who can understand Monster will catch the happy note in his voice when he speaks again.]

...Hatchling? You are safe!

[There is an earth-quaking thud as Godzilla falls down and passes out; thankfully, he is still in the harbor at this point. Silence reigns on the comm for a little while--when it is broken, he sounds... different.]


Not... good... not... strong.



[A low rumble much like the one he gave before he left; the comm clicks off again.]

[ooc//Godzilla is headed towards one of the bigger parks in the City; when he arrives he will lay down on the ground in a clearing and not move. People may bother him however they like--he won't pay the vast majority of them any mind, and if personally annoyed/attacked he won't do anything other than curl up and hope they go away, until they either leave or kill him.]

[Due to his presence, there is also a bit of a wild panic down at the Harbor--well, for however long that lasts until the Polymorphs get to it, anyway.]

† godzilla | g-force

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