Jun 09, 2009 00:08
[Ikki's looking rather happy for a kid staying up so late. He's got a bit of a hair problem, so it seems, with three hair antennae instead of two]
So I guess school's ending soon, huh? Plenty of time to try to train with Metabee. Maybe we'll challenge one of those Gyms that just opened.
Summer kind of reminds me of this one time, when we were going to the store on an errand. Usually Metabee says I'm not supposed to talk about it, but...
[He leans in close tot he communicator]
Mom sent us there, you see, and Metabee saw the fruit display, and...
[And Ikki starts going on and on for a good ten minutes here. Use your imagination to what's in here BD. Seriously. Probation, Conga Lines, whatever possible could be spilled here.]
And then, the next morning we found Metabee passed out, out cold in the produce aisle.
† ikki tenryou | medafighter