[Video, filtered to all law enforcement personnel and Autobots]

May 30, 2009 21:23

[Sentinel is sitting at his desk, hands clasped in front of him. He looks tired, shaken, and generally way more subdued than is normal for him.]

There's no easy way to say this, so I'll get right to it.

...Optimus is dead.

Sanders, I need you down here ASAP to get a look at the crime scene. We can start the investigation from there.

[He's making an obvious effort to keep his composure, but he's looking more like he's about to either cry or destroy something with each passing second.]

As of right now, this is your priority.  I want to know who did this. I want him found...and I want to deal with him personally.

Keep me informed of your progress.

[Cuts the transmission.]

[Private text to Sanjay Vasuda:]

We're going to have to reschedule that demonstration.

[Private text to Blackarachnia with the above video file attached:]

I thought you deserved to know.

† sentinel prime | n/a

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