[As he speaks, what he says gets written out across the screen in big red letters. His voice makes it obvious that he's angry, but he's attempting to restrain it. The noise of some sort of restaurant like a diner can be heard in the background.]
Dude, just because I can make cars appear out of nowhere that doesn't mean I'm not gonna notice when my car has been stolen.
And don't even think for a second, that just because I can make cars appear out of thin air that I'm not gonna give a shit if you take my car!
[starts shouting into the comm, the speakers crackle because of the volume of his voice.]
[the vague restraint in his voice returns]
You just don't do that! You don't steal another man's car! [restrain disappears] DON'T FUCKING STEAL MY CAR, YOU SONS OF BITCHES!
[mutters away from the microphone]
I hate this fucking city, fucking skeevy-ass punks everywhere, taking people's car as they like. FUCKING BASTARDS...somebody owes me gas money.
[the noise is gone when the comm clicks off, but the red text is still visible on the screen]
[ooc: beginning of shapeshifter-plot (see
here for reference), obviously shapeshifter stole his car.]