[Posted Anonymously]

Apr 17, 2009 21:02

 [Video clicks on and for a moment you only see pitch black. There's some fumbling around and the focus moves to a nearby lamppost and you can make out some of the surrounding area. Central Park. There's silence for a moment, a bit of murmuring, and the camera is set on a bench.

Rustling around, the sound of muffled laughter, and four shapes can be made out if you look really closely. Two large, black dogs and on top of them, two figures dressed in black. All of a sudden there's a flash and a large wall of fire appears behind the dogs and their riders, silhouetting them menacingly.

The figures are Hiruma and Axel, although you can only really tell if you know them very well, as the blaze from the random bursts of fire and the black clothing make it difficult. Additionally, Hiruma's face is... odd. Pushed out a bit into a muzzle, but not in bat form completely. It makes him look even more horrifying and unrecognizable. The dogs howl and tear off, the trail of fire following them as the riders scream and whoop like demons. The camera loses sight of them and eventually turns off]

[ooc: Central Park. Live feed. No one will get harmed but there will be a LOT of noise, yelling, running around, & controlled fire. Trouble-making & a potentially dangerous situation. Enjoy! This madness has been brought to you by the Neo Marauders and the IC chat]

† sirius black | padfoot, † hiruma youichi | devil ace, † axel | inferno

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