ANONYMOUS VOICEPOST [In which Kit fails hiatus and starts plot 8);]

Mar 31, 2009 17:30

[all that's posted is an embedded music player with the song 'Kurenai' by X-Japan.]

[If you listen reeeeal close, there's another guitar playing with the embedded track, playing a scrambled version of the main guitar riff.]

ooc; if you know Guilty Gear and its intricacies, you probably c wat i did thar. ... and for those of you who don't, I-No's boss theme is based on this song. The song being played underneath this one is her, playing her theme. /meta forever
....aaaand it's sorta meant as a taunt to Shatterstar/Layla/their team in general. :D ps I hate imeem B|

† i-no | red witch

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