It seems that with the inclusion of eight hours sleep in my schedule, time moves distressingly fast. I did not know two weeks could pass so quickly! In order to make up for this lost time, I will address several matters at once. [efficiency! ... or so he thinks anywayWhy do humans of this Earth celebrate a holiday about a very strange imPort
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(((For serious, a paper master would ping onto memory-turned-into-card like whoah. Sounds like you've already plotted this out, but if she can help out, let me know)))
Your powers? What exactly are you capable of?
Further, paper which has strong emotion attached to it... I'd notice it. And I'd be able to distinguish it from counterfeit.
Plus, I'm a detective specializing in lost documents and papers.
((ooc: sweet!))
You can notice it..? [he's wary. some of those memories host things he doesn't wish others to see] In what way? Are you able to perceive the emotions and know what they are?
[thinks a moment] For example, we once handled books that were basically made from a person's mind and soul. I could tell they were powerful, that they held great knowledge, but I didn't learn anything about the person, or even know who that person was. [if only she'd been able to...]
And if that is the case, there is simply no way for me to find them on my own. Your abilities would be very useful, um... [scouting for a name here]
Maggie. I'll need some information from you to get an idea of where to start looking. Would you prefer to discuss it in person?
Otherwise I can come to you.
He managed to "borrow" Yuma's deck again. She'll appreciate an example, right? (He made a point of leaving NO.96 back home. Better not to risk her sensing such a uh, destructive memory.)]
[trying to remember manners] Uh, can I get you anything?
[Pushes his hair back behind his ear. It's becoming a habit now. He goes to sit on the couch, and he keeping the red deck case in his lap]
I need to know where it happened and how--so I can get a sense of how they might have scattered.
Also, I need to have an idea of the power they possess--you said they might influence people, so what would that look like?
I mean, once I get close to them, I think I'll know. But I need to have a good starting point.
[reaches for a card] Let's see... [it reminds her of litle Aki's cards... it wasn't ordinary, certainly--very distinctive in fact] I'd definitely know another of these if I found one.
Would these more likely to be found by a normal person or another duelist?
I was at my room, watching television. [He doesn't have any involvement in regards to them merging with other objects. There's no way he's going to tell other people it was Yuma's fault. Now, complain to Yuma's face...]
I believe the probability of one being found by a Duelist is rather low, as the majority of people here are not Duelists. But it's not impossible. [He eyebrows knit together, and clutches harder onto the deck box]
That is not as assuring as I wish it to be, since they affected people who are not Duelists. That shouldn't be possible, it isn't within their power... [This? Screwing his perception of the damn cards and they're pieces of him. So it's worse, I guess. Also he's more talking to himself than to her.]
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