voice; locked from edward nygma and felicia hardy

Dec 18, 2011 23:20

Okay, let's hypothetically hypothesize that somebody is currently embroiled up to their fuckin' nook in a contentious goddamn present purchasin' one-upsmanship. You know, for Earth Jegusmas or whatewer ( Read more... )

eridan ampora | prince of hope

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Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 06:16:06 UTC
[He knows there are a million different times and places that would be much better for this conversation, but he can't keep this to himself forever either. After staring at his communicator for a long time he convinces himself that if he starts on a topic that's only half related maybe he can have some of this talk without having all of it. Maybe he can even find an answer to something he's been anxious about without getting into something else.

He's keeping most of his worry out of his voice, so he just sounds curious and a little distant right now.]

How good of a motherfuckin' moirail is Edward to your ownself, really?

[A pause.]

Doesn't he all like shit that's up at having surprise noodles on it?


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 06:31:06 UTC
I already fuckin' told all a you that he's just fine at what he does. Fuckin' perfect.

[chin in his hand, he rolls his eyes at the communicator.]

I'm not addin' to that fuckin' atrocious wardrobe a his, Gam.


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 06:40:33 UTC
Does he really keep your ownself at being motherfuckin' calm? What does he do for you, brother?

[He's looking at the screen with a lot more focus all of a sudden.]


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 07:58:06 UTC
Do skyhorses fuckin' fly?

What's your point here, Gam? What are you gettin' at?


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 08:06:40 UTC
[He needs to just think about this and not blu-]

We're wondering if you're motherfuckin' staying up at with motherfuckers in quadrants because you all like them and they're good for your ownself or if you're getting to staying with a motherfucker because you don't want to get to being alone.

And we think we all have our motherfuckin' answer.

[rting out an answer.


Yeah, he's definitely avoiding eye contact now.]


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 08:24:38 UTC
[after a moment, he sits up straighter in his seat. his eyes widen, just slightly.]



Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 08:35:59 UTC
[At first so he stays quiet, mulls it over, and as he looks back up he does go back to looking Eridan in the eyes but it's a sort of miserable look.]

You don't really want us in your quadrants as much as you think you want us. You probably don't even motherfuckin' feel half as much as we fuckin' all feel about your ownself.

[Shortest pause.]

Maybe we should get to halving what quadrants we all share to get to matching that shit.


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 08:47:26 UTC
[and there's a pause, something between confusion and irritation, before his eyes widen and he unconsciously pulls the comm closer.]

No, Gam, no, you don't know what you're talkin' about. You don't.

You can't.

[there's an edge of growing desperation behind his words.]


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 08:58:41 UTC
Eridan, I think we do know what we're talkin' about up in here. And so do I.

You've always been getting to motherfuckin' flirtin' with a lot of motherfuckers you didn't really all like and you stuck to Feferi in a quadrant you all didn't want with her for a long motherfuckin' time. And now you're sticking at something with Edward that's not all workin' and probably not because of how much you care for his ownself.

[Frowning, he looks away again for a second. When he looks back he seems to not be happy about this, but he does seem determined all the same.]

Maybe we should motherfuckin' get to sticking to one quadrant where we all know we're not at being bad for each other at least.


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 09:17:48 UTC
Oh, this is 'cos a Ter, isn't it?

[and, without missing a beat, he's back to raging.]

You're goin' to fuckin' dump me [he spits those words] just 'cos some tealblooded wanna-fuckin-be legislaceratin' type batted her ocular globe flutterers at you in a rude type a manner? Is that it?

[of course, there's zero time to respond between that last statement and the next.]

It is! You goddamn two-timin' shit for blood, I shoulda known!


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 09:38:10 UTC

We are not all getting to leaving you for her ownself. We are motherfuckin' dumping you up at a black quadrant because you can't motherfuckin' all be trusted to making good decisions in quadrants! You're willing to get to settling on a bad moirail and there's nothing showing you wouldn't get to settling on some wrong shit in another quadrant.

You want to blame a motherfucker for putting this idea up at in our nugbone? Blame Edward.

[And now he's looking angrily away, biting his lip a bit.]


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 09:52:34 UTC
[and he's taken aback by that sickest of burns - momentarily speechless, even!

then, somewhere between rage and despair - he hopes it's mostly rage that comes across:]

You can't. You fuckin' cannot do this, not to me, do you fuckin' hear me!

You can't!


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 10:05:21 UTC
[Gamzee can hear both the rage and desperation just fine, and it's the latter that's making him wince a bit.]

Eridan, don't motherfuckin' make this harder than this is. And we're not up at leaving you completely.


Video; swwag December 19 2011, 11:11:12 UTC
[it's actually like he can't decide which he wants to be, and his emotion in everything that follows frequently veers dangerously between one extreme and the other. he isn't sure why.]

Don't make this harder than it is - don't make this harder than it is!

No, I am goin' to wery well make it fuckin' hard as I feel like makin' it!

[annnnd back to misery. he's really only half talking to Gamzee for some of this.]

Matespritship and kismesis are supposed to last forewer, Gam, they gotta last forewer or else they were newer - we were supposed to - it was goin' to all work out okay and - fuckin' broke my back for - she - you fuckin' -

[pause. his breathing is ragged with emotion. then, icily:]

You know what? Fine. Ditch me. Abandon me to - to fuckin' rot, or whatewer, just same as ewerybody else ewer did. I don't fuckin' care. I newer fuckin' cared.

You were nothin' but a fuckin' caliginous diwersion anyway, though it was goddamn upright hilarious! That you thought otherwise. [hissing:] In fact, I was just humorin' you outta boredom ( ... )


Video; hasgonehonkers December 19 2011, 11:25:24 UTC
[For a bit Gamzee looks hurt and he can't even bring himself to say anything, and even though he can get his face to look more neutral his voice still carries that along with anger.]

Fine, motherfuckin' fine. You want to be alone?

You get to all be fuckin' alone like you were back up at home.

And we'll all get to making sure you don't get to seeing us again. Don't need you around to up and pretend you're all feeling shit again when you're motherfuckin' not anyway.

Have other motherfuckers around who are up at being better to our ownselves who aren't pretending anyway.



Video; swwag December 19 2011, 11:41:14 UTC
[and the line about home has him tightening his grip on the communicator noticeably, tossing a seething look off to his left at nothing in particular. he bites clean through his lip in one place and doesn't really seem to notice right away.

and then, of course, at that last line he wrenches the comm back up - Gamzee's already gone, which is good because Eridan's tearing up anyway, but that doesn't stop him from screaming a "Fine!" in response and then tossing the damn thing into the adjacent wall.

it's a little late to feel bad, but he does anyway.]


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