Schema 001 | VIDEO

Dec 14, 2011 22:47

[ The video opens to a man. Appears to be hispanic. In his thirties. Has a weird goatee. He’s wearing a confident, fake smile. He looks human enough, but his voice has a distinct accent that can't quite be placed anywhere.

He's been in the City for a few days now, but after discovering a rather new ability, he decided to test it out. And pretending to be a new arrival has its uses. ]


It is not often that one is transported to a different dimension, but I may as well make use of it. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Is there anyone connected to this communications device that can provide me with answers as to these circumstances?

I am already aware that I am in an alternate Earth, taken by the whims of an artificial intelligence. I imagine you’ve made some efforts to understand the technology that brought us here? It would be ridiculous not to. Any data you've gained would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time, my friends.

n/a | negotiator

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