Dec 11, 2011 20:43
Alright, because I'm wery generous and kinda don't hawe a lot a options otherwise here, I am goin' to warn the lot a you that this is a priwate-type matter between Gam and myself. It's got nothin' to do with anythin' that's happened here, none a his killins, nothin' at all - so don't feel obligated or anythin' such to eawesdrop. Really.
In fact, it's shit from the Weil, troll shit, which is neither here or there really. Borin' shit, you probably wouldn't wanna hear it anyways.
Basically it's got nothin' to do with none a you fuckin' nosy types, so ewen though I know somebody or other is not goin' to fuckin' bother heedin' my warnin', know that I would not be offended if you... you know, just kinda pissed off from here onwards.
Okay, with that said, let's mowe onto the matter at fin.
[pause. then, with outrage:]
Gam, what the flippin' fuck do you mean you cut off my head?
eridan ampora | prince of hope