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text; private 1/2 enigmaestro December 1 2011, 20:44:58 UTC
Not only do I suffer the consequence of simply knowing you, but I do so at the ire of some young lady's hand. I hope you realize the great measure of selflessness that I


text; private enigmaestro December 1 2011, 20:45:19 UTC
Are you talking to Black Mask?


text; private swwag December 1 2011, 21:42:02 UTC
shut the fuck up
and cod i dont knoww the wwhos wwho a your fuckin gotham slumber buddy group you tell me


text; private enigmaestro December 1 2011, 22:44:41 UTC
It's too late, anyway. [HE SEES YOU GUYS.] I suppose it would have happen eventually.

Is running away the best way to deal with your recovery here?


text; private swwag December 2 2011, 04:40:43 UTC
fyfi i am not RUNNIN AWWAY nice god damn vvote a confidence ed
runnin awway wwould be decidin that its impossible to put that jadeblooded sack a sanctimonious shit dowwn for good and givvin up entirely on it
im in fact doin the opposite a that
i am goin to make her suffer in wways she nevver thought capable a sufferin
i am goin to slit open evvery last brinesucker shes evver smiled or sneered at wwhile she wwatches me do it and im goin to make her knoww IT IS HER FUCKIN FAULT THIS HAPPENED
i am goin to make her grovvel in her owwn jade filth and wwhatevvers left ovver from wwhen i get through wwith all those other backstabbin shitbloods she cavvorts wwith and i am goin to enjoy evvery second of it
then i am goin to hack her limbs off and wwatch her die
she is goin to KNOWW WWHO SHE FUCKIN MESSED WWITH and she is nevver goin to do it again
she wwants a wwar i wwill givve her a wwar

i just need to figure out howw to pull this off and i figured hey wwhy not in a shipwwreck that dead ambiance usually gets the ideas flowwin


text; private enigmaestro December 2 2011, 05:48:41 UTC
Well, as long as you're giving the matter forethought. That's all I ask, really.

[A few moments before he sends a second text.]

I don't blame you, for this.


text; private swwag December 2 2011, 06:16:15 UTC
yeah im not stumblin wwildly into this
truth a the matter is i got to plan accordinly before i make a fuckin example outta her for the wwhole city populace evven considerin the notion a fuckin wwith yours truly
and thanks ed i appreciate it
in fact id be pretty pissed if you DID blame me cause god damn look at wwhat she did to my face
this shits not goin awway any time soon
and on that note do you got any preexistin grudges wwith black mask i should be concernin myself wwith


text; private enigmaestro December 2 2011, 06:20:26 UTC
Despite getting kidnapped for your sake, I'm holding no blame on you. This is remarkable. Appreciate it accordingly.

He won't be fond of me, if that's what you're asking. Nothing like Catwoman, however.


text; private swwag December 2 2011, 06:49:52 UTC
and despite gettin the shit kicked outta me for the sake a keepin your hide attached i wwont lord it ovver you too much
not like i wwill my recievvin an OFFICIAL LEGITIMATE APOLOGY from azrael himself
an apology ed
he asked for my forgivveness
it wwas hilarious
and ok good to knoww
im not exactly in any sorta shape to fend off torturin attempts or wwhatevver cause the twwo a you had a bad brush


text; private enigmaestro December 2 2011, 21:07:13 UTC
You've been guilting him? For personal amusement, I'm sure -- nothing like having a grown man on his knees, begging for mercy.

Let's not read into that.

You should tread carefully around Black Mask. I don't think he cares for children.


text; private swwag December 2 2011, 21:18:24 UTC
ok wwere all awware you got a uncomfortable fetish for havvin growwn men on their knees beggin you theres no need to make it a THING
and right noww hes mostly just askin if youre into dressin like a wwoman but im not plannin on invvitin him to any a my future social evvents or nothin if thats wwhat youre wworried about


text; private enigmaestro December 2 2011, 22:13:06 UTC
I so appreciate your sentiment.

What? Wait, what? Why?


text; private swwag December 2 2011, 22:56:13 UTC
come on ed i knoww for a fact youre more fuckin eloquent than THAT
wwhat wwait wwhat wwhy mask not recievvin an invvitation to my social club or wwhat wwait wwhat wwhy the you in wwomens clothin affair cause betwween you and me i think hes got a vvested interest in the latter


text; private enigmaestro December 3 2011, 00:41:50 UTC
It's the latter I'm concerned about. I don't need that additional anxiety, I really don't.

Tone down the exclusivity. The Sionis clan was a first family, in my day.


text; private swwag December 3 2011, 10:44:36 UTC
dont be a fuckin wwiggler its not like he has salacious photographical evvidence a you in fels suit or anythin
wwell at least I THINK wwho knowws maybe thats his powwer around here
forgin evvidence
you nevver fuckin knoww right moirail a mine
and maybe if he provves hes wworthy a my esteem ill consider it


text; private enigmaestro December 3 2011, 20:01:47 UTC
No. I do know. Because of my power.


Well he isn't going to prove that, but I will say that at least in my society, he's on a somewhat equatable social tier.


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