EIGHTEEN :: [video; accidental]

Nov 18, 2011 17:46

[The video feed pops on to show a countertop. On it, a woman is making a list with a notepad and ballpoint pen.]

Let's see, we'll probably need two turkeys.

So that we can all black out from the tryptophan and hopefully forget this disaster.

Quiet, you. Two turkeys... Babe, do you want to make your own sauce, or should I have him buy some?

I'd rather make it.

Gotcha! So then we need ketchup, worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, cider vinegar, I think we have chili powder, some onions, we have garlic. Oh god, am I forgetting anything?

Anything at all of nutritional value. I'll be acquiring tofurkey if I'm to be involved with this.

You're such a brat. Tofurkey on Thanksgiving?

Tofu is an excellent source of protein and I won't suffer the same lethargy as you lot, or feel compelled to gorge myself.

I really don't want to barbecue tofu, Pietro. It just seems wrong.

Yep, you heard him, wrong. Moving on, I'll need three avocados and some limes, too.

Avocados for Thanksgiving dinner, indeed.

Clearly you've never been to Thanksgiving on the West Coast... Hey is your communicator on?

Bloody hell.

... We'll probably want tequila, too.

[And with that, the feed cuts. Bobbi is blue, Pietro is green, and Clint is purple.]

bobbi morse | mockingbird, clint barton | hawkeye, pietro maximoff | quicksilver

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