003 ➵ video

Nov 10, 2011 11:40

( The feed opens to a view of Clint standing outside by a practice range-because he has a total of three hobbies, alright-leaning slightly on his bow as he glances down at the communicator. )

So, I had a thought. We’ve got, what, a couple hundred people running around this City, all or most of them with powers, and probably at least a slim majority that are trying to fight the good fight, right? And I’m sure at least some of you know what you’re doing, or at least I’d hope so.

But I know there’s a bunch of you out there who are kids, or teenagers. It’s pretty much a given that what we do isn’t always the safest thing, but I know that won’t stop you, if that’s what you’ve decided to do. What I am saying is that you should be trained, at least in the basics, so that if things do get tough, you can deal with it.

( He pauses for a moment, like he’s mulling something over, then continues: )

So I figured that we might open up the grounds a couple times a month and run through some things with whoever wants to learn. We’ve got the time for it, and I know a couple people who could use something to do. Just for... things other that what you’re getting in school, I guess you’d say.

( There's a pause, and when he speaks again, it’s on a completely different subject. Clearly having productive thoughts can only last so long. )

Hey, Bobbi, what are you doing after-

( Clint might be about to say a bit more, but then he looks down at the communicator and pulls a face, like something's gone wrong. )

Damn it, not again.

( Just before he reaches down to cut the feed, you can probably see the reflection of the comm in Clint’s eyes-it has inexplicably turned purple again. )

clint barton | hawkeye

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