[See Tom. See Tom lounging in a very comfortable looking green chair, reminiscent of those in the Slytherin common room. What can be seen of the room behind him looks fairly nice as well. Did you think he'd leave his MAC apartment looking so Muggle? Never
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Ah... [She clears her throat. She won't tell him everything at once, for his sake as well as hers. But she really isn't one to beat around the bush.] My name is Bellatrix Lestrange. I'm a...witch from your world, and I'll gladly tell you what you want to know.
Lestrange...another Slytherin, then? It's good to meet you; I was hoping I wouldn't be alone.
Do you happen to know how many of us here are from our world?
Currently? Sixteen on my last count, including the both of us. But I advise you to stay away from most of them.
Another good family. I've known quite a few Blacks, though none are in my year.
[he pauses, considering again. just how much did he want to trust this...] Out of concern for my sanity or my safety?
...Your safety. But you need not worry; they will not harm you. [Bella really needs to work on her discretion.]
You're so concerned for a safety of a boy you've never met? Even Slytherin hospitality has it's limits.
but that is still a side of him he guards closely at the moment. it was privileged information, outside those who already knew. and he hasn't forgotten that this whole conversation could be a trap.
but having an ally here, one who knew him? that could be worth the risk.]
And under a different name, perhaps?
[There is a small pause before she answers.] ...Lord Voldemort. You might already be familiar with it.
I had wondered if I'd meet any of my followers. If any of you might be here.
[he looks thoughtful for a moment] Are you the only one?
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