Thirty-eighth course [voice]

Oct 13, 2011 23:05

What do you say to someone who shows up here even though you know they're dead back home?

[abrupt question is abrupt, sorry]

'How's it going?' seems like an asshole-ish question in that situation. But you have to say something, it's only polite. Especially if they're going to be hanging around for who knows how long in this place. Eh, not that it matters anymore. At least he got a few extra weeks. Some good food and good rum, and a little time with his brother that he didn't get before.

[a pause for a deep, indulgent drag off a cigarette. There's more than one of those in this post]

Speaking of the formerly dead...Doc McCoy. I've got a question or two about the school.

Oh. I got the weirdest phone call earlier today. Seems one of the former cooks from All That Jazz passed my name along to some producer or something from the cooking TV channel. Anybody know anything about appearing on television? I'm debating whether to say yes...I don't really give two shits about proving my cooking skills to anyone but at the rate Luffy goes through food, I might be able to use the money.

sanji | mr. prince

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