[She tilts her head, nose twitching. This is still beyond her.]
Because you are a child?
That is more reason for them to house you. You should not be alone. I have heard that your guardians have gone. And with that terrible boy on the loose--!
[She thinks back to Sanji. If that man can cook and care for nine people, she should be able to do it better. She can handle the crowd of toddlers at the daycare center, after all.]
Well... no matter what happens, it wouldn't be a permanent thing. We are able to take care of ourselves! But that's a [SOFT AND HUMAN AND/OR NUTBEAST CONSTRUCT] very nice thing of you to do. Offering, that is. I will definitely let you know what we decide on!
I am afraid I do not understand. Why would you have a problem finding someone?
Well, this is pretty much why.
Because you are a child?
That is more reason for them to house you. You should not be alone. I have heard that your guardians have gone. And with that terrible boy on the loose--!
[A huff.]
I should like to see who would not.
Yeah, the whole situation is a little ridiculous! But that is pretty much par for the course when it comes to the City.
Well. That is very true.
[A single nod.]
I have had children of my own. But they are not here now. I think that I would not mind caring for more. Are there many of you?
[She thinks back to Sanji. If that man can cook and care for nine people, she should be able to do it better. She can handle the crowd of toddlers at the daycare center, after all.]
But that is all right. I would not mind that.
Of course. I do wish you all well. I will wait until then.
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